Neo's picture



UFO's The Greatest Story Ever Denied

The denial of the existence of UFO's is likely to be the greatest story ever denied. Since the late 1940's military pilots have been documenting sightings of foo fighters and strange light crafts all over the world. And since then countless sightings have increased all over the world. But the governments of the world continue to deny it. The famous 1952 Washington National Airport Sightings , for instance, was discarded as simple "temperature inversion". And this is just one of thousand and thousands of sightings by credible professionals all over the world that have been denied. The real problem the governments have with accepting the fact that our planet has and is being visited by UFO's is a one of national security, they simply don't know what these UFO's are, so they deny it and make up excuses to avoid mass hysteria. But the cry for disclosure is increasing everywhere. Soon, the governments may have open up those books and come clean with the people on what they know.

In our modern day, with advent of cell phone cameras and videos, there are thousands of sightings every day. But probably for every 10 mistaken sightings of Venus, meteors, planes, mylar balloons, Chinese lanterns, LED kites, remote control toys, swamp gas apparitions, Paint Shop or computer animation creations, or just simple delusions, there is likely only 1 valid UFO sighting. But regardless if there are thousands of these mistaken sightings, 1 valid sighting is still a valid sighting. The problem with all these fakes is that they tend to discredit the valid sightings. Ridicule and embarrassment prevent many people from reporting sightings.

There is so much information on the Internet on this subject that I couldn't begin to list them here. The Day Before Disclosure is an award winning documentary that's just been released. And recently YouTube is full of strange accounts of strange stars in the sky like this one from July and August August, 2010. Both China and Mongolia closed down their airports this last summer, both of which have been blamed on military exercises.

So what are they? The Bible is full of accounts of Chariots of Fire, as is the Holy Quran. The Star of Bethlehem, which "stopped over the place where the child was", is undoubtedly a reference to a UFO. So what are they? Some say that the UFO's are harbingers of evil, like the fallen angels of Satan, others say that they are harbingers of peace, the light bearers of hope.

I have my opinion of what they are but I thought I'd ask the people of WCafe first for your opinion. Are they the result of fanatical imaginations or do the testimonials of pilots, astronauts, politicians, police officers, military officers and countless of otherwise intelligent people all over the world warrant an serious study of this phenomenon? Have you every seen an UFO?


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WaterBuoy's picture



If one falls between science and religion is that mean or just Celtic medium?


Gotta walk that line ... outside the extremes ... san ... grit to the two ends? The myth suppported between "M"! The populations grow and the medium gets thinner ... a damn spot to be in but it moves ... some call it bo'sune ... perhaps beau'sun?


Generally the light of the can'dore; condor in the abstract Shadow? There are those that would call it a Jim Crow's torah on absence of Klues ... clues when translated from Cyrillic to English redacts ... the act of play'n on word(s) ... especially if you don't know dedicons ... daedalus? The virtual anonymous ...

InannaWhimsey's picture



washoe & wilbur, our Eve & Adam?


(which reminds me--it'd be so cool to see the results of locking Stanton FriedmanClaude Vorilhon, Billy Meier (& cheerleader Michael Horn), Thomas S. Monson & the current cheerleader of Maitreya in a room together for a week and see what connexions result)

WaterBuoy's picture



Th Eire be a bust out ... of the realm called normal!


Where most people are religiously in denial of think'n ... to close to knowledge of bairn yard politics ...

InannaWhimsey's picture



and that would mean that we are already hybrids (connexions with the UFO mythology -- that there are alien hybrids among us/studying us)

WaterBuoy's picture



It's something like a'moor in the highlands gammos ... somebody has to be the fall guy ... and thus the daimon ... them shunned in de Kirk! We'll have no thin-king here ...


Creates a unique ethereal, Eire, or Ayrian state of  something lacking ... incomplete as an abstract in a pupil ... but if you look into some pupils do you see a spark there?


The human condition is alchemii, or relates to the story ... that's that of how it isn't ... mostly vacuuous ... a state outer persona could get sucked into ...

Neo's picture



InannaWhimsey wrote:

and that would mean that we are already hybrids (connexions with the UFO mythology -- that there are alien hybrids among us/studying us)

This is an interesting thought about these so-called "aliens". Are these "space-brothers" living among us right now, helping us with our technology and guiding us to a saner "art of living"? Imagine the terror if they landed on lawn of the White House in the 50's? The power struggles, the fear that the world as we know it and love it, was about to change forever? I think a slow and gradual emergence would make more sense for an evolved race of beings when dealing with such a unevolved and fearful race.

WaterBuoy's picture



An alien-like unknown thoughts landing on the Whitehouse Greens?


The sodomy of it ... could really screw up the emotional side of business as usual ...

Neo's picture



This is so crazy it just could be true:

Benjamin Creme wrote:
Has there been interference in world affairs by extra- terrestrials? (October 1998)

All Hierarchies of all the planets in this system are in touch with each other, and everything that takes place in an extraterrestrial sense takes place under Law. All the planets of our system are inhabited, but if you were to go to Mars or Venus you would see nobody because they are in physical bodies of etheric matter, finer, subtler, than gas. If you were to go there and had etheric vision they would be as real to you as they are to each other, but if do not have etheric vision — and the bulk of humanity do not as yet have etheric vision, though some people here and there have the beginning of it — to all intents and purposes these planets would seem to be uninhabited.

There is ample evidence in the craft which we call UFOs to show that there has been a surveillance of this planet for many years (at least since 1945, but in fact since the beginning of time). This means that this planet is kept intact. There is a huge star out in space which is exerting a magnetic ‘pull’ on our planet, hence the growing incidence of earthquakes over the last 180 years.

What we call the “Space Brothers”, the people who use the vehicles we call UFOs, who come mainly from Mars and Venus but also from Jupiter, Mercury and a few other planets, have put around our planet a ring of light which keeps it on its axis. It is very slightly off its axis, but this ring allows it, within karmic limits, to be held so that the poles do not flip, which is predicted by many ‘prophets of doom’ to take place. It will not take place. Nothing can shift that ring of light which is put in place by our Space Brothers. Without their help this planet would probably be in chaos.
One of the major activities of the Space Brothers is to neutralize the pollution with which we are destroying our planet — caused in the main by nuclear radiation which is pouring out from the nuclear powerhouses all over the world. Every underground nuclear explosion also puts into the air dust which is totally contaminated by nuclear radiation with a half-life of thousands and thousands of years. Within karmic limits they mop up as much radiation and pollution as possible. They also go down into the oceans and neutralize waste which we have dumped there and which otherwise would kill off marine life and further poison the planet.

The planet is already polluted to a degree which is now dangerous. Pollution is the greatest killer of all diseases of humanity, and much of it is of nuclear radiation. The advice of Maitreya and the Masters will be to close down immediately all nuclear-fission power stations in the world. They could be replaced tomorrow with a safe, fusion process of nuclear power as an interim measure before the coming Technology of Light.

One of the main factors in maintaining our eco-system is our Space Brothers: we owe them an enormous debt. There are various tales in magazines and newspapers of people being taken up, experimented on, and things being inserted under their skin and so on. All of this is totally untrue. There is not a single instance of such happenings. All of these stories are the result either of the fevered astral imagination of people who want to feel these things and do so in an astral sense, which they then describe to others and so build up a climate; or work of certain negative forces in the world whose aim is to keep from the public the reality of the extra-terrestrial connection of this planet.

All the planets at Hierarchic level are interconnected and are all in communication. This solar system acts as a unit — it is not one planet and a whole lot of dead planets. They are all teeming with life at different stages. We are at a midway stage; Venus is unbelievably evolved compared with this planet, as is Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn and various other planets. They have no need to carry out experiments on us; they know. They are so advanced that they can make the UFO craft, which are made from etheric matter. They create the crop circles as a means of letting us know, obliquely, that they are here — that the Space Brothers are real. Only they could simultaneously, in fields all over the south of England, in a few seconds, create unbelievably complex and beautiful crop circles. The technique is programmed into the vehicle; they only have to hover and in a few seconds the work is done.

How are crop circles actually formed? (December 1997)

The occupants of the UFOs visualize the shape they want to create. With their focused mind they decide the shape in any given circle — sometimes with extra additions, like ‘second thoughts’.
They then bring their machines down to near the surface of the field. Using their technology, operated by their minds, the patterns are created. It is a combination of advanced technology and thought; the machinery responds to their thought. The whole process takes place in seconds, even for the most complex pattern.


stardust's picture



Hi Neo...!!!


Very interesting. I just posted this link in politics.


Its new...about Paul Hellyer's UFO  beliefs. He's 90 and he hasn't changed his mind.

WaterBuoy's picture



Are these gas bubbles on the brain or mental legassy/legacy formations ... distant thoughts as they take flight from the combative spirits?


This is like light spirits against the dark ... sometimes not seen until you leave here (going) a type of obtuse "i"? Something that sees in the occipital portions of the brain where it is always dark ... for we know little of the complexity of wisdom encapsulated so mortals won't know it from the devil! Justa wee spark to get the whole thing going ...

Neo's picture



stardust wrote:

Hi Neo...!!!


Very interesting. I just posted this link in politics.


Its new...about Paul Hellyer's UFO  beliefs. He's 90 and he hasn't changed his mind.

Interesting Stardust. Here's another link that includes an extensive interview with Paul Hellyer.

stardust's picture



Hi Neo

I' ve run out of my 60GB Rogers internet  usage until Jan.14. I have to pay extra now so I'll wait to watch the video. I clicked on the link below the video, there's  another short video and an article. I can't copy/paste it.


In 2011, Rutkowski said there were 980 sightings reported across Canada. He said the number of sightings in 2012 would likely be even higher, but he hasn't finished sifting through all of last year's reports.

Many interested in UFOs say yes and they say the government can't continue to ignore the growing number of sightings.

Mike Bird runs Exopolitics Canada, an organization dedicated to informing and fully disclosing the facts about UFOs.

"We feel there is sufficient data that basically we just have to be able to talk about it on an honest level and try to encourage our governments to tell us what they know," said Bird.



stardust's picture



Posted twice.... but here's another article of interest:


China today successfully soft-landed a spacecraft on the moon. The Chang’e 3 spacecraft contained a lunar rover, Jade Rabbit, that is set to rove the lunar surface for about three months. It was the first soft landing on the moon in nearly four decades.


Why have there been no soft landings on the moon since 1976 until Jade Rabbit? The answer, according to NASA and the USSR, was that the cost of further lunar landing missions outweighed the benefits.



Not so according to a number of conspiracy researchers, who cite evidence that the Apollo 11 astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin radioed that they were being closely watched by aliens in large ships parked nearby. HAM radio operators allegedly captured the astronauts frantically telling Houston Control about the intimidating posture taken by the aliens during two minutes of what NASA claimed was radio silence:



These babies are huge, sir … enormous….Oh, God, you wouldn't believe it! I'm telling you there are other space craft out there… lined up on the far side of the crater edge… they're on the moon watching us. (Timothy Good, Above Top Secret, p. 384.)



Famed remote viewing pioneer Ingo Swan claims that humanity was warned off the moon by its alien residents.





WaterBuoy's picture



While they were on the moon they noticed earthlings were strange (alien?). It is said one has to get beyond themself to see such things ... why my mother didn't believe those astronaughts were really out there.


My mother was a stoic (piously) and said she knew god (all-things) in and out of here as present! I still question that kind of sanity and thus as the other  ... become crazy? Earth gods have ever since declared that any intellect beyond them is just devilish or otherwise demonished as nothing like sparks on Eire ...


My father even said we shouldn't talk about such rumours ... like wee small souls on the moon ... that's all that's left there ... down right, impressed to marc the pas in ...

chansen's picture



stardust wrote:

Hi Neo

I' ve run out of my 60GB Rogers internet  usage until Jan.14. I have to pay extra now so I'll wait to watch the video.


Call Rogers and explain that you're going to switch to Teksavvy where you get 300GB for less money. They will trip over themselves to give you more transfer and maybe even lower your rate.


If they don't, follow through.


Neo's picture



People who laugh off UFO stories, thinking they only come from freaks and kooks are themselves, rather humouring, in their own way.

See video
stardust's picture



Thx. Chansen, I'll look into it altho' this highrise  bldg. is taken over and set up by Rogers and Bell.

chansen's picture



Shouldn't matter. Teksavvy just resells Rogers service. The CRTC made them. If you can get Rogers, you can probably get Teksavvy. Check here by using your postal code:


If it works, call Rogers and try to cancel. Tell them you're switching to Teksavvy. They will do cartwheels for you if you'll just reconsider.


stardust's picture



Thx. again Chansen. Texsavvy  does  service my area. They have a forum I'll read tomorrow, I  have to register on it first.


I'm dying to dump Rogers...yes....!!!...I'm paying $206. a month including TV cable, monthly  movies $17, phone, and internet. I do get a small ( bundle) discount. Still..its a lot of money and it increases too often, a little bit by a little bit, sneaky.

InannaWhimsey's picture



Neo wrote:
People who laugh off UFO stories, thinking they only come from freaks and kooks are themselves, rather humouring, in their own way.


Laughter is vitally important, i think...not the cynical laughter but y'know the type :3


When people take their beliefs, their world too solemnly...not very fun (one of the problems of fundamentalists...they can kill you for laughing...or they'll shun you and burn your books...).


(it's easy to laugh at what one doesn't consider takes real love, compassion, humanity to be able to laugh at those things...)


...killjoys are the death of imagination and humanity, i think...


I'm glad we live in a world where miracles happen all the time


Where these phenomena happen all the time


Where psi exists...nessie exists...


Love this chaotic mixedup world we live in


Keep it up, Neo :3

WaterBuoy's picture



Heh ... what's this about psi Niches not allowed ... even constructive cynics as they pass as fleeting thoughts; dark at that ... as laid out ... real ß'idées? There is a rumour that the original Hebrew was abstract and occult ... just projected thought ... you know mystical things that are beyond accepted status quos ... say what?


If an advertiser saw that they make something of it for profit ... they did?  Whaaaa!


Did you hear that psi in loci ... it's a phon-etic! Happens when you play with the foundation of sole ... poem my soul that sah word? The complexity thereof could cause a person to break a leg show an ankle, that is the beginning of a rye angel ... arche angle in shrouds? That's the law of patriarches for yah ... they are in the business of selling off the lesser solis' ... archetypical pimping ... started by god when he traded with aÐ'm guise for a glimpse of the other's ID ... where you could see into psyche things ... much of it imaginary if you listen to reality ... the mind being a myth and in reality they don''t believe in myths ... nothing to look into creating the myth of the Golden Ass that's ole as Rome ... in an occult snigger that's Levite! Em living without possession of the land ... old Juce'd myth, what they called Ka Ba'aL and turned around and despised things from Kabalist ...


Perhaps the people of Kaba'aL were having too much fun with the old goat in the mountains ... heh's caped ... albeit shrouded Tue!

InannaWhimsey's picture



Here's a nifty talk by a local (pacific NW local) physicist that I've been reading for a few decades now, John Cramer.

(in regards to this thread, wormhole travel could be one possible method of ET travel...49 days of ship time to travel 1200 LY from here to Kepler-32e)


See video


He used to write a cool science column in Analog Magazine...


One of his awesomely cool ongoing projects is he is testing to see if he can send information back in time ('retrocausality')


Also, if you like SF, you might want to check out his book Twistor :3



WaterBuoy's picture



Is that enough to crank the mind or start a DOS device into literal/literary thinking ... in loud words, or otherwise spoken intelligence that is cojecture that must be tested? Does th bible suggest testing all things? Kind a makes me wand to howl ... thus the synchronicity of thought and aria ... Northrup Frye and William Blake! Stuff like that can spread if it can get around the uniquely fixed!


Now where did the error of accepting it literally come from ... a hard-bread point or po' Eros without a light thought ? Coö-pedes revenge? That'd be redacted to cupID to simulate a cup of the primal power ... in ergot ... what came to be known as Erg once the story was worked through ... with such outlandish power of intellect (strange thing) this led to burning of the experienced women in Salem ... and you learn what they sa' bote the heart in Hebrew? It's a Lam' excuse for thought, which obviously fell from the wagging of Boehm as it went!


If only we knew more about sects that we're scared of ... would curios people be less apt to increase in Numbers ... as Taurus in de grove without a meme brae Nus veil? Thats' fertile thought ... not arid BS ... flip it with caution as the Leah side may not reflect the up front in tent ... of Nous just wishing to become calm-prehensile and get a grip on your thin'king ... and the gynes thus get passed numbly  ... as if in an impulse of passing intelligence ... now is that a faere blo'n ... of what's eL wend'n it sway as Ur? Led to the concocting of withers ... another word for which we lost the primal understanding ... due to excessive primal powers of emotions ...

Neo's picture



InannaWhimsey wrote:

Here's a nifty talk by a local (pacific NW local) physicist that I've been reading for a few decades now, John Cramer.

(in regards to this thread, wormhole travel could be one possible method of ET travel...49 days of ship time to travel 1200 LY from here to Kepler-32e)


See video


He used to write a cool science column in Analog Magazine...


One of his awesomely cool ongoing projects is he is testing to see if he can send information back in time ('retrocausality')


Also, if you like SF, you might want to check out his book Twistor :3



Wow, this guy is well published... interesting, I'll try to find some time to watch the whole video.

Neo's picture



It's interesting how people react to this subject of UFO's. Just yesterday, I mentioned the possibility of UFO's to a friend of mine, and immediately her reaction was one of denial and almost ridicule that I could even entertain such a thought. The subject of crop circles was raised and her answer was that they were just a couple of blokes from the pub with planks and boards. I tried to show her the Milk Hill crop circle, from August, 2001, but her response was that she didn't need to look at it because she was convinced that they were all man made. I also suggested that many of our historical monuments, such as the Pyramids and the Easter Islands statues could not have been made with the technology of the day (or the technology of the current day for that matter) but she couldn't care less. Denial, I thought, was more than a great river in Africa.

InannaWhimsey's picture



Neo wrote:
It's interesting how people react to this subject of UFO's. Just yesterday, I mentioned the possibility of UFO's to a friend of mine, and immediately her reaction was one of denial and almost ridicule that I could even entertain such a thought. The subject of crop circles was raised and her answer was that they were just a couple of blokes from the pub with planks and boards. I tried to show her the Milk Hill crop circle, from August, 2001, but her response was that she didn't need to look at it because she was convinced that they were all man made. I also suggested that many of our historical monuments, such as the Pyramids and the Easter Islands statues could not have been made with the technology of the day (or the technology of the current day for that matter) but she couldn't care less. Denial, I thought, was more than a great river in Africa.


*giggle*  seems like you ran up against someone else's BS there


remember, she isn't living in your head (unless there is something aboot you that i don't know aboot), so isn't where you are at right now with your experiences, thoughts, ideas, etc


i love human beings -- we are so marvelously diverse

WaterBuoy's picture



What's inn Ur head ... like nothing of IT (intelligence transfer) that which cannot occur without lighter souls that are prepared to be moved from stoic positions as nailed down.


Did you know that nail is onyx (not unlike Eyore or an arid mule) in Classic Tongues? Thus a soul of laughter can be annexed ... thus the genre of Matthew 35:35 as relating to solar winds and darker elements of ther opaque or occult ... something to be looked into as derivable, or something you can learn something from ... like the difference between possessed and possesive about a IDea that just doesn't work until tried and convicted as humis, humur, or haggis ... quite cedé ... if you can grow it ... almost biblical as the boque/tome does say: "test all things" some of them may be solidly un-holy no rheum for resonnance, dissonance or any squeel whatsoever of Joie when the sacred is penetrated thus screwing up a muon'r ... that alien sound in the night of someone trying to catch a breað-Eire ... overhead Arias? High toones drifter ...

Neo's picture



@waterybuoy, Matthew 35:35?

WaterBuoy's picture



Its a floater for de soul ... like a high plains drifter? How god's wisdom escapes those that really didn't wish to know anything ... one must be slippery as a snake ina cave ... why wisdom cries in the streets and few notice Proverbs 1:20! Psyche was buried in a story as truth was unacceptable ... it could reveal to us a lot of things about those in power ...


Did I re*men*iss about power and corruption ... cadre? 

Arminius's picture



InannaWhimsey wrote:

Here's a nifty talk by a local (pacific NW local) physicist that I've been reading for a few decades now, John Cramer.

(in regards to this thread, wormhole travel could be one possible method of ET travel...49 days of ship time to travel 1200 LY from here to Kepler-32e)


See video


He used to write a cool science column in Analog Magazine...


One of his awesomely cool ongoing projects is he is testing to see if he can send information back in time ('retrocausality')


Also, if you like SF, you might want to check out his book Twistor :3




Carl Sagan, in his novel Cosmos, writes beautifully about worm hole travel.

WaterBuoy's picture



Like an Old English Text for the "I" of psyche a mire I ...


That might appear as an ES or a Eire Integral ...


Yet in another tradition this is God-IHC another ithch' altogether ... when working with fission!

WaterBuoy's picture



Ever hear the Irish tune that was devoted to the death of the fishery ... The Last Trawl?


I heard it once played to a hymn: Spirit Open My Heart (to the joie and paen of living) as human error we often deny the pain of other's exist.


It is a strange non-harmony that creates the dissonance of mankind ... leading to termi-Nus ... fringes of psyche ... mere remnents of Classic thought about the Golden Rouéð? Shimmering examples of how not to do wit' ... satyrs of the supportive realm? Energetic effect on the arrested bits ... with enough bite to allow temporal Dan Sing ...


Is there anything more hated by the omnipotent than bleeding hearts? Damned sensitivity ... sympathetic and para-sympathetic as it comes back on yah autono mously ... a function of the erronious gonad ... brae in without spirit ... sans Q'Luçe about alien things ... and that flat line in the sans ... separating the emotional realm from the intellectual ... but nothing is perfect?


How its taken depends on the twist of the tongue ... and that dark omnipotent void as omi Nous ... a piece of the dilemma? All that which isn't! Defines what we don't know ... a large stretch ... if you will! here's Tue the Gaelic BUSS ... the KISS of God driving a person in the quest ...

Neo's picture



Arm wrote:

Carl Sagan, in his novel Cosmos, writes beautifully about worm hole travel.

Soon, very soon:

InannaWhimsey's picture



Neo wrote:
Arm wrote:

Carl Sagan, in his novel Cosmos, writes beautifully about worm hole travel.

Soon, very soon:


Carl & Ann Druyan were AWESOME at communication


definitely something i consider sacred


See video



InannaWhimsey's picture



Also, here's another cool idear on the ETH:


"SETI at the particle level"


(one of the links is broken in the article, so here is one that works to "X-Tech and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence")


The scientist proposing this is


See video


To give you an idea of the scales involved here, just click on The Scale of the Universe.   Slide the blue box left and you get smaller and smaller scales, the opposite for sliding to the right.


Atoms start appearing at 10^-9.  That's the scale that nanotechnology deals with.  Human beings are fiddling with that right now.


Now the hypothetical femtotech deals with 10^-15.  That's a big a change from the size of an atom as the difference between the star Regulus (at the 10^9 scale) and the distance from Proxima Centauri to Alpha Centauri A (at the 10^15 scale).


That is a LOT of room


As professor feynman said, there is plenty of room at the bottom


See video


(maybe that's where the christian creator g_d 'exists', fiddling with all the fields and levers and buttons...)

Arminius's picture



InannaWhimsey wrote:

Neo wrote:
Arm wrote:

Carl Sagan, in his novel Cosmos, writes beautifully about worm hole travel.

Soon, very soon:


Carl & Ann Druyan were AWESOME at communication


definitely something i consider sacred


See video




Thanks, Neo and Inna. I've got to watch this one!

WaterBuoy's picture



"Plenty of room at the bottom" consider the wee people that are subtle ... way down or out there ... depending on how you accept quanta ... as bit so§ elves ... deeply underlying knowledge that we've lost ... thus that wanting feeling ... knee deep inute fore sow'n ... that's the rough fabric ... hoers Eire Pi?


What happens when the Star of David erupts with the inverse pyramid scheme and the power of life disperses ... out 'ere with all the wise ones ... they'd be dead to ID right?


Stranger things under the midnight son ... some of eM profound and life altering ... sort of like redacting and rendering down for the fat of the thing ...


Is there fat in the bones (cadre) of the myth? Silly thats marrow where the broth of life exits in an instant of blindness ... some experience IT as a cos mole o'Logical bust, breast of life ... or perhaps just a BUSS'ð!

Arminius's picture



If one imagines the inverse/outward quantification of energy/space/time, and an energy bubble with the diameter of a light wave, and a bubble half the size within that bubble, as the points of commencements of this quantification, and an inverse/outward ex/impansion in stages of doubling/halving of the original quantum until the inner/outer limit of the quantification of energy/space/time is reached, then there is indeed plenty of room at the bottom.


If the material universe unfolded in forward time and outward space, and recorded the memory its unfolding as a hologram into reverse time and inverse space, then there would be enough room at the bottom to record the unfolding of the material universe, moment by moment, right back to the beginning of time.


I think I have seen and been or experienced this, so it is easy for me to imagine, but I struggle with explaining it to others.sad




WaterBuoy's picture




Is it the problem of you explaining it in word (myth) that is complex, or is it just something the "other" has refused to understand ... the gift of denial in the deep pool of lost thoughts ... a common dimension from which the extended persona draws from in a stretch of the abstract (some people call this imagaination and an unreal part of the entire mind). There once was a song called moloch entire ... an Irish gig that most didn't understand either ... as Erse territory was the London derriere or the as shole of the English world ... in a spin none-the-less. They didn't want to know satyrs ... even thought the word said: "understand all things"!


Does this leavve something in complete or what is known as abstract? Worldy people really don't know what I speak of either ... thank god or I'd be crucified for thinking ... you know thinking daemons are dangerous as bringing light into the somnolent critter ... the dragon lass ... the aft Eire portion? Never saw mine either with out a  shrapnel of glass ... fractal light of what onyx man can be? 

WaterBuoy's picture



Do you know the word for mongolian donkey (onager?) as disreputable as a Z Bra ... for a big bust, breaçt, breath or bang on the sideadehead ... it mostly somnolent awaiting sentient statestillthen ... and the rippling, shifting sans bounce around within ... giving waves in the brain of emotions followed by knowledge ... in the pariental range they are gathered as heat in the vale or perhaps Valhallah when the kohl Night comes without reverence for the unaware ...


Are waves just logical disturbances in etheral space ... ammons bra'n? Did you know that ammon is a metaphor of Moloch ... so much bull ... something to roast?

WaterBuoy's picture



If intelligence isolated is just info, or data without any attached emotions ...what use is a conscious/intelligent/Mac-Hyne without something to prode it onward?


There are some omnipotent beings that believe that if they had one of these machynes ... people would be obsolete and thus left in the dust ... a huge cosmological humur ... defining humu'nité as a dark driving force ... with a hidden conscience (steering observer)?


What are the options, alternates (metaphor of Cos)? Perhaps with the time and space to do so we'de be out of here in High Flight (under the omnipoten horizon) as if we were nothing but satyrs ... which perhaps wea re ... as I'don't know ... it is against the omnipotent law of the pious and fixated ... simply stunned !


Is this constructive cynicism that could be cyanoidal? I do hope something will come out of it ... as the bringing down of the present hoes ... appears like a dark Tunnel to much of the somnolant population ... you know eM!


Is this cyclic processing? Perhaps defines Ezekiel's Wael ... swail ... a swamp where primitive thoughts Eris? Takes a pile of synapses or mental voids for the leapers ... IONS? Some positive some negative; cat-ions and annä-IONS as now Zion ... perhaps Zoaring ...


You see you can't rely atoll on the word of isolated men ... only when the whole damn metaphor is discretely connected ... but we couldn't do that could we ... it would require some reverence for the despised ... aliens?


Imagine the things we don't know ... thus defining image a' Nation!

airclean33's picture



Hi Guys-- since many of  you are interested in the universe I have found this . I now challange  you to watch this . And then if you can  show where the U.F.O, are. Also why you would not believe there is a GOD.The ending near knocked me of my chair.


Arminius's picture



WaterBuoy wrote:


Is it the problem of you explaining it in word (myth) that is complex, or is it just something the "other" has refused to understand ... the gift of denial in the deep pool of lost thoughts ... a common dimension from which the extended persona draws from in a stretch of the abstract (some people call this imagaination and an unreal part of the entire mind). There once was a song called moloch entire ... an Irish gig that most didn't understand either ... as Erse territory was the London derriere or the as shole of the English world ... in a spin none-the-less. They didn't want to know satyrs ... even thought the word said: "understand all things"!


Does this leavve something in complete or what is known as abstract? Worldy people really don't know what I speak of either ... thank god or I'd be crucified for thinking ... you know thinking daemons are dangerous as bringing light into the somnolent critter ... the dragon lass ... the aft Eire portion? Never saw mine either with out a  shrapnel of glass ... fractal light of what onyx man can be? 


Hi WaterBuoy:


The problem is not explaining the geometry of the ex/impanding bubble universe but the nature of the experience.


It was unlike ordinary experience. It was not a "seeing" in the sense of visual seeing; the astronomical immensity of the vision would make that impossible! It was a being and seeing in one. Subject/object or observer/observed distinction was suspended. I saw what I was, and I was what I saw. It was an experience of nondualism. Difficult to explain because it is beyond the scope of what we consider "ordinary" experience. We do not yet have ready words and concepts to explain nondualistic experience. We should acquire them, because I believe that reality is innately and ultimately nondualisic.


In order to become analytically aware of the nondualistic reality, however, we have to split it into dualities. This is necessary in order for us to become analytically aware. But, in order to become ultimately aware, we have to reverse the object/subject distinctions and re-unite the two.


We humans have, so far, remained stuck in the analytical stage of our psycho/spiritual or intellectual evolution. Dualistic reasoning has become absolute truth to us. We have not yet realized that everything we analyse is in an ultimate state of nonduality or synthesis, and that the ultimate purpose of analysis is to make us aware of this.


The ultimate purpose of analysis is the analytical conclusion that the universe is in a state of synthesis. In the final analysis, analysis dissolves into synthesis.



When the secret of the atom within atom has become clear, then the secret of all things, both internal and external, is clear, and you see nothing but God.


-Al Balyani


WaterBuoy's picture



Would that be syncreatic ... when the end effect is large than the sum of the two things you comprehend? Sorry just thinking in blank and dark spaces contained in cyberspace ...


If I did this in my local reality I'D be hung and torched ... common people are not to go there for fear of learning of unknowns ... autono-Mouse-lyre/lear? You know that odd look you get when using imaginative thinking ...

Arminius's picture



Yes, syncreatic, syncretic, synthetic, synthetical, synergig, synergetic—whatever denotes wholeness, oneness, nonduality, inseparability, unity or synthesis.

InannaWhimsey's picture





re: the video




louie giglio's (what a hippy!) meditations on how small and insignificant we are, to the wonder, glory, marvelousness of existence

the term universe means all there is

which you and i can share in

and thanks to the internet, people even like you and i can make our own version of Cosmos and give it to other people...that's totally awesome

(btw, nice picture of the scantily-clad woman on the beach)

nice responsive audience as well

i can share in louie giglio's enthusiasm -- i find it very infectious.  i love his using the word 'ginormous' :3

have you been to any of his concerts?

when i was a kid, i really wanted to be a cosmologist.  so i got as many books as i could.  with beautiful pictures.  reading them, seeing the pictures became an act of worship.

ooo, he includes the famous carl sagan's 'pale blue dot' picture (which carl sagan actually asked for -- they turned the spacecraft around at his prompting)

ooo, a new neologism "astronomical grace" (with delayed clapping of the audience)


and yes, x does mark the spot :3  those feelings you got are pretty awesome, eh?


there is, indeed, grace everywhere...universe is full of it, blessings around every bend


yes, part of a big, big story...the biggest there ever was...


thank you for sharing this with me, airclean33



InannaWhimsey's picture



Fellow space 'others,


Some of the UFO community has been waiting for any hint of UFOs in any of Edward Snowden's leaks...


Well, wait no more!


(alas, its may not be exactly what one wants to hear...)


Start here for an overview


Here's a taste


"Among the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are two tactics: (1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable. To see how extremist these programs are, just consider the tactics they boast of using to achieve those ends: “false flag operations” (posting material to the internet and falsely attributing it to someone else), fake victim blog posts (pretending to be a victim of the individual whose reputation they want to destroy), and posting “negative information” on various forums."


-- Glenn Greenwald's commentary on the leaks


So yes, more evidence of what Jacques Vallee warned and wrote aboot so long ago, intentional gov't etc interference and manipulation with BS and mythic structures...


Trust no one ;3

InannaWhimsey's picture



i really, really wonder why the US gov't would be going to all this trouble, effort, money etc with relation to disinfo regarding UFOs?


Do they know something?  Are they afraid of us becoming like the Krell from Forbidden Planet (in that the UFO phenomenon acts with our observations, minds, beliefs?), so its to protect us?

Neo's picture



They are afraid of losing the status quo of power.

WaterBuoy's picture



Could we call that anti omnipotence ... as the rising influence of the suble powers that despise greater powers for their corruptive stances? Then one must describe ethical corruption as a reciprocal of something else that is more gospel (truth) that has not been rendered useless by redaction by those not understanding the imact of the original word ... considered a myth by a great population of believers about nothing that would amout to everything in their mind ... when their mind is not here ... religion shelved that concept ... and thus as soles were saved from thinking ... unless your out of phase ... sort of like dis harmonic with de light?


What was the original word? It is unspeakable as the mudder of God said for Lords ache shut up and a breat was plugged in as mutterable stifling of a cry in de night ... and the wee child was consumed with appetite ... as suggested by the myth of Molach Entire ... he got the whole thing not realizing there was another side to wit ...


Never never discount (isolate, shun) the wee power as a supportive medium ... even if you hate widely scattered thoughts of the splattered medium of thought in so (sous, sow, Sue) many words as planted and failed to germanate thoughts in the powers who didn't want to think multidimensionally and thus can't get out of the rutt ... sometimes called a divide or divined veil of obscuration creating opaque visions of something else again in those desiring innocence and becoming more ignarant dais by dei ... if you just look around at what naïve-ID thought can do ...


Thus the left mind is right brained, or the part that took the main impulse of forgetting the other's Ide ... that's like a blow in the bleu cassing those knocked all about and up to see stars ... although these are just other motes in space ... stardust?


Obviously there's Moor to calm of this ...

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