revjohn's picture



Wondercake for June 17th

Hi All,

Apologies for the lateness.

Saturday turned out to be a pretty busy affair what with moving into a new house and all.

We didn't mark any of the boxes so I couldn't remember which box my Wondercookware was in.

It is also way too freaking hot to want to actually bake so I did what I always do when it gets way too freaking hot. I long for Newfoundland and Labrador.

And that gave me a bit of a brainwave.

Wonder recipient? Birthdaygirl? Okay that sounds good. Busymom gets the cake.

The treat?

Bakeapple cheesecake just like the ladies in the St. Anthony UCW would make it.

Thick and creamy cheesecake lovingly whipped by hand, those electric machines just make a mess. Yes, b'y.

Topped with a layer of bakeapples. The gathering of which is a true labour of love. Bakeapples grow singly on tiny stalks in marshy or boggy areas in northern Newfoundland and Labrador (Labrador has a bakeapple festival they are some good), For you stubble jumpers out in the prairies you know a bakeapple by its equally inappropriate name of cloudberry.

And a layer of whipped cream tops it all off.

I know it isn't cheese curds but tuck in it is, as my good friends in my adopted home would say, shockin sinful good.

And to enjoy a joke shared with me by one Mrs. Helen Noel of St. Anthony who tells of a young minister who came to preach in an outport church and one dear old saint who's knowledge of hymnody was phenomenal.

Every time the minister would declare the theme of his sermon this dear old saint would spontaneously sing the verse of an appropriate hymn.

After a while this became a bit annoying to the minister and he began to stay up late night, after night, searching for something that would stump the dear sweet saint who sang for him just before he began to preach.

For weeks he tried and failed until the young minister came up with a most devious plan.

At the appointed time he announced that he would be preaching about sex.


A smug, satisfied smile began to spread across his face until his nemesis piped up with

"Precious memories . . ."

If you don't know the hymn then you've read the joke for a non-existant punchline. Helen got me to choke on my bakeapple cheesecake with it.

Grace and peace to you.


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revjohn's picture



cheesy cake bump

Serena's picture



Congratulations Busymom!

busymom's picture



Thanks Rev John! I feel honoured. However, you put me in a quandry as I did receive a wondercake in December I believe.

When I began reading your thread, I thought I would every so humbly decline the wondercake, but then you described this most delicious cheesecake (minus cheese curd : ( Then I got ta-thinking "Heck, it's my birthday. It's bad luck not to eat a piece of birthday cake. I can't jinx myself, now can I?" Besides, who's to take cake away from a birthday girl? She might cry, and we all know if you cry on your birthday that is definitely bad luck.

So Rev. John I humbly accept your birthday wondercake with thanks and gratitude. And I offer a slice to everyone on wondercafe. I have some leftover birthday plates and napkins and have made up a special honour of Rev. John's punchline! The streamers & balloons are up & the party is ready to go!

Perhaps we could sing a rousing rendition of "Precious Memories", it seems suitable for the occasion!

crazyheart's picture



Hey John, you could not have given the wonderCake to a better busy person. She has been BusyMom and BustyMom and she is celebrating a birthday too. So she is also BirthdayMom. Way to go Congratulations.

EZed's picture



*EZed grabs pawful of cake and stuffs it in his mouth.

Diana's picture


image you can have my piece, you bad squirrel!!

Congratuations, busymom!! Hope you've had a wonderful day!!

busymom's picture



Thank you! I'm glad you've joined the party. Would you like some punch? From "Bowl A" or "Bowl B"? Bowl B has an extra added ingredient. Perhaps the squirrel should stay out of the punch bowls. Let me know Ezed, and I'll get you your own special bowl to wash that cake down with!

myst's picture



I'm happy to be at your birthday party busymom! Cheers.

musicsooths's picture



Cheese cake my favorite congrats busymom. Enjoy your day

revjohn's picture





You wrote:

Thanks Rev John! I feel honoured. However, you put me in a quandry as I did receive a wondercake in December I believe.

No worries. I think I've been awarded four. A couple have been shared with my fellow clergy.

Besides Wondercalories don't translate into real ones.

Not that I've noticed, although I'm probably going to have to pop up to Cambridge and see if I can get my hands on some Bakeapples at a store for Newfoundanders in exile to the mainland.

I thought of a cheese-curd garnish to make the presentation just so but rethought it as the cheese curds would not off-set the bakeapples which are themselves orange in colour.

Grace and peace to you.


busymom's picture



thanks Rev. John. I would like to share this birthday wondercake with all other Geminis on wondercafe. I believe that means Nabi & Mrs. Anteater can share this honour, since they celebrated birthdays last week. Any others? Please let me know. There's lots of this delicious cheesecake to go around and I could whip up some more punch in no time! Bowl A or Bowl B? Wait, Bowl B is now empty! Has somebody been sipping punch out of Bowl B? Where's the squirrel?

MadMonk's picture



*stands in corner, eating cake, wondering if Ez has had his rabies shot...*

abpenny's picture



I don't like cake....yes, I, I don't...let's talk about it....yes, I'm a gemini and I'll have my cake...and eat it too! Congrats busymom!

BethAnne's picture



Congrats Busymom. Great cake baking RevJohn.

Boots's picture



Good for you Busymom!

mrsanteater's picture



Thanks, I'll have a big piece. I brought some tea in my new teapot, which my neigbour gave me for my birthday. Tea anyone? I drink it with lemon, but you can have some milk.

realmseer's picture



Oh I missed the birthday part of the party!! Happy be-later.
Here's to a beautiful year for you and your family!!!

stardust's picture



Congrats Busymom

You deserve it!

Love, Hugs, and sticky fingers (((((((((((((((((((((((busymom)))))))))))))))))))))))

RevJamesMurray's picture



Mmmm, bakeapples. Haven't had any of them since I left the rock in 1991.
To get it right though, it is pronounced saintanthony , all one word run together, with the first T almost unpronounced. Mmm, bakeapples. Hey, isn't it blueberry season? We could have some good blueberry grunt to go with it! Some good eh boy?

revjohn's picture





You wrote:

To get it right though, it is pronounced saintanthony

No b'y its snantny.

And the next place over is snantny bite.

Yes b'y some grunt would be shocking good bout now.

Grace and peace to you. Mainlander.


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