revjohn's picture



Wondercake for June 17th

Hi All,

Apologies for the lateness.

Saturday turned out to be a pretty busy affair what with moving into a new house and all.

We didn't mark any of the boxes so I couldn't remember which box my Wondercookware was in.

It is also way too freaking hot to want to actually bake so I did what I always do when it gets way too freaking hot. I long for Newfoundland and Labrador.

And that gave me a bit of a brainwave.

Wonder recipient? Birthdaygirl? Okay that sounds good. Busymom gets the cake.

revjohn's picture



Wondercake for February 24th

Special day today, my firstborn turns 15 so I'm baking a cake for him also.

Upon consultation with the lad and taking into accout certain Lenten practices of my fellow WonderCafians I have opted for the subtle elegance of . . .

A White Cake with a delicate vanilla frosting. Replete with purple Lenten sprinkles.

Typically, the Wondercake has been awarded to individuals who have had outstanding weeks. While I like the back patting encouragement that provides it causes me slight works righteousness aversion flutters.

revjohn's picture



Ode To A Squirrel

Poetry is not my forte.

Forwarned is forearmed.

Such tiny hands for holding
Such a tiny head for knowing
His nuts he should be stowing
Fluffy little squirrel.

Such large eyes for our beholding
A large debt we are owing
My computer screen is glowing
From the light of yonder squirrel

For peace he was entreating
Midst this forum's yelping and its bleating
For him there's no retreating
Well met and well done squirrel

To new trees he makes his journey
