revjohn's picture



Wondercake for June 17th

Hi All,

Apologies for the lateness.

Saturday turned out to be a pretty busy affair what with moving into a new house and all.

We didn't mark any of the boxes so I couldn't remember which box my Wondercookware was in.

It is also way too freaking hot to want to actually bake so I did what I always do when it gets way too freaking hot. I long for Newfoundland and Labrador.

And that gave me a bit of a brainwave.

Wonder recipient? Birthdaygirl? Okay that sounds good. Busymom gets the cake.

revjohn's picture



Wondercake for February 24th

Special day today, my firstborn turns 15 so I'm baking a cake for him also.

Upon consultation with the lad and taking into accout certain Lenten practices of my fellow WonderCafians I have opted for the subtle elegance of . . .

A White Cake with a delicate vanilla frosting. Replete with purple Lenten sprinkles.

Typically, the Wondercake has been awarded to individuals who have had outstanding weeks. While I like the back patting encouragement that provides it causes me slight works righteousness aversion flutters.
