
Ryan Beiler's picture

Ryan Beiler

The Tao of Dumpster Diving

Why I dumpster dive (and you should too).

Is there anything wrong with picking up some good food, even if it comes out of the trash? How does our affluence promote waste?

Mohammad Yunus's picture

Mohammad Yunus

We Can Put Poverty in the Museums

I believe that we can create a poverty-free world by unleashing the creativity of the poor.

Do you agree with Mohammad Yunus that is possible to create a world that is free of poverty? Why or why not? What kind of initiatives might work in your local context to offer people a way to "cross the poverty line"?

Kevin Little's picture

Kevin Little

The Need for Some Oddness

In a culture of suffocating sameness, who challenges the norms?Have you ever rented the movie Pleasantville? It is a very witty look at the 1950s. It's Hollywood's back handed slap at the silly nostalgia that goes on suggesting our current culture is going to hell in a hand basket. It highlights the oppression of sameness and how that squeezes the life out of creativity and moments of spontaneity.

Are people today suffering from the pressure to conform? What societal norms should be challenged, if any? Who is challenging cultural sameness today?

Rt. Rev. David Giuliano's picture

Rt. Rev. David ...

"Don't Be Afraid"

What would we be doing if we weren't afraid?

Could it be that God is asking us to dream a bigger dream for ourselves, for our church, for our world? What would we be doing if we weren't afraid?

Mary Teresa Bitti's picture

Mary Teresa Bitti

My Boy

Suddenly Gabe was not my little boy any more. Where does that leave me?

How can we help our kids make the transition from children to teens? What do parents need to help them navigate these changes?

Graeme Burk's picture

Graeme Burk

The Great Christmas Amnesty

Christmas is a season where we put a giant amnesty on being sentimental.I have a small confession to make and I say it looking over my shoulder: Last year I bought a Diana Krall album.

You must understand that up until now I have hitherto demonstrated no earthly interest in Diana Krall. I find her too much what people think their idea of a sexy jazz singer should be, as opposed to being an actually sexy jazz singer. I can't stand her.

However, I have an excuse: I bought Diana Krall's Christmas album.

What do you find sentimental about the Christmas season?

Pieta Woolley's picture

Pieta Woolley

"I Do" (...Promise to Keep My Eyes Wide Open)

As the ulcers beneath my creamy silk bodice could attest to, marriage for my generation is extremely complicated.It was your typical left-coast wedding"”totally haunted by the spectre of baby-boomer divorce. My mom and first dad, who broke up 25 years before, walked me down the aisle. My fiancé's parents, divorced for a decade, walked him down the aisle.

Does the high-rate of divorce in the Baby Boomer generation make the commitment to marry harder for those in Gen X? Why get married if it has such a chance of failing? Do Gen Xers approach marriage any differently than those of other generations?

David T. Suzuki's picture

David T. Suzuki

Stern Warning Changes the Climate Debate

Tackling global warming is not about saving the whales or some such thing; it's about not being stupid.

Knowing the enormous environmental and economic costs which will be caused by global warming, what will stop us from taking the necessary steps to fight it?

Alexandra Lopez-Pacheco's picture

Alexandra Lopez...


Everyone should have someone who listens to them. I had Mary Poppins.

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Camilla Cornell's picture

Camilla Cornell


We want our kids to have everything. But maybe we're hurting them by trying to give it to them.

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