
Carolyn Ali's picture

Carolyn Ali

How Much Does a Pet`s Death Matter?

When pets die, we are supposed to continue as if it doesn`t really matter. So why am I so sad?

How mch does a pet`s death matter? Do we do enough to recognize the impact a pet's death has on those who loved it? Or do pet lovers just need to get over their loss and move on?

Jim Rice's picture

Jim Rice

Is Nuclear Power the Answer?

Proponents claim that nuclear energy is clean, green, and safe. Are they right?

Proponents claim that nuclear energy is clean, green, and safe. Are they right?

Is nuclear power to answer to our energy woes?

David Wilson's picture

David Wilson

A Sign of the Times

We face a crisis that doesn`t fit the old framework. There's no "us and them" in climate change -- it`s everybody.

Do you agree with the author that global warming is a crisis that doesn't fit the same "us vs. them" pattern as issues that activists have confronted in the past?

How often do you find yourself on the side of the problem, rather than the solution when it comes to climate change?

Is it time for baby boomers to concede they have failed in the area of environmental sustainability and pass the struggle on to a younger generation?

Adria Vasil's picture

Adria Vasil

We Won`t Recognize Ourselves

We`ve changed some light bulbs, but polls say we`re stalled somewhere between furrowed brows and fervent action.

Are Canadians ready to make personal sacrifices for the sake of the environment?

As a nation, does Canada have what it takes to be a role model in the global environmental movement?

What can be done to help people build a personal connection to environmental issues?

David Suzuki's picture

David Suzuki

Green Is In -- Let`s Keep It There

Green is in -- let`s keep it there. Now we have to push our leaders for real change.

Do you think this latest round of interest in protecting the environment will be effective? Or is it just a passing fad?

Are our efforts to protect the environment making a difference?

What can keep us from slipping into environmental complacency again?

Do you agree that it is now or never when it comes to saving the Earth?

What can we do to push our neighbours, politicians, and the corporate world to do more toward ending global warming?

What will it take to push ourselves?

David_Giuliano's picture


An Easter People

New life is possible. But the path often winds through the valley of death.

What signs of new life are you are seeing...
...in the world?
...in the church?
...in your life?

Graeme Burk's picture

Graeme Burk

Cartoon Violence

I hardly consider myself a prude, but Family Guy has crossed the line from brilliant, barbed humour to a show that will do anything to shock its viewers.I love Family Guy. I loved it back when it was a low-rated show watched by 12 nerds like me and I still love it now when every billboard in town is advertising it in syndication. I think it's still one of the laugh-out-loud funniest shows on TV.

In pop culture, is all shock and awe appropriate?

What lines do you draw when it comes to violence in pop culture?

Have your lines ever been crossed?

Is there anything wrong with the trend in cartoons that considers cruelty to be funny?

Do you think enough people stop to consider whether or not the pop culture they consume is morally appropriate?

Nicholas Klassen's picture

Nicholas Klassen

Half-assed Ascetic

As much as I'd like to consider myself an ascetic, I probably get drunk too often to qualify.

Does being socially aware require you to deny yourself material pleasures?

Is there a connection between our lifestyles and social justice? How do we face the areas where the two are disconnected?

What is more important, what we believe or how we live?

Why would anyone aspire to be an ascetic in today's world?

What practices do you do in your own life to further the social justice for all?

Alice Klein's picture

Alice Klein

Let`s Pull It Together

We need to see real results on climate change in the next four years. And we can't leave it to the roll of the dice on election day.

Do you agree with the author's opinion that it is critical for Canada to do something about climate change in the next four years?

Do you think her pespective on the role of Canada's poltical parties in fighting global warming is correct?

Is it more important to vote strategically for the party which has the best chance to bring change to Canada, or vote for the party you think is the best one, regardless of their chances of winning nationally?

Aiden Enns's picture

Aiden Enns

Find the Eyes to See

The Wal-Mart aesthetic has crept into our heads. What has happened to my perception of the world, my way of seeing?

How is advertising, commercialism, and "highly-manufactured representations of reality" like movies influenced our way of seeing the world?

How does the "culture industry" effect us for better or for worse?

Is there value in embracing the "plain-old" when offered "new and improved"?

What do you think Jesus might have been communicating when he said, "Don't worry about your clothes. Look at the flowers, you should all be like flowers!" ?
