Is the world healing from 9/11?

48% (48 votes)
31% (31 votes)
Not sure
22% (22 votes)
Total votes: 101


MikePaterson's picture



9/11 has become a lethal obsession.

Sylvia fitzgerald's picture

Sylvia fitzgerald


9/11 changed the world, changed our feelings of security, and we are all learning to live in this changed world. God heals and when we put our trust in God we will heal.

GordW's picture



What does the query mean by "the world" by "healing"?


Some individuals yes some no.  And for a large number of the people of the world the attacks meant nothing to begin with.

qwerty's picture



I agree with MikePaterson.  Certainly it is hard to heal when ten years on we are still "picking at our scabs" and re-opening the old wounds.  This scab picking, done purportedly in the name of "remembrance" is supported by those whose agenda is to perpetuate fear and nurse trouble and to sell arms and security equipment and justify military and paramilitary spending.  9/11 is being used to create and perpetuate a false dichotomy between freedom and security.  It is very troubling.

Mahakala's picture



9-11 was a global catastrophe - not just for the United States, but the aftermath has been horrible for many people across the globe. But I marked "yes" because I think we are healing. Much of the shock of the original event is gone. Americans, Canadians, Europeans, etc. have adjusted to the reality of insecurity that much of the world faces everyday. And it feels like the Iraq and Afghanistan wars that came out of 9/11 are staring to wind down. We're healing, but we're not healed by a longshot.

Birthstone's picture



but I think 9-11 was just a part of larger issues, one that focused our ethno-centric minds very closely and allowed our gov't (ok - the US gov't) to make a huge mess of things that were already messy. 


The world doesn't need to heal from 9-11.  It needs to name its issues - division based on race/religion/have or have-not etc. - and then heal from those.  9-11 was our symptom.  But try telling Somalia or India or anyone struggling to feed their kids that 9-11 is what the world needs healing from - I think they'll laugh or cry and then keep on trying to make their way in the world.



sighsnootles's picture



even to look at it in purely economical terms there has been no healing.... the hunt for bin laden has cost the united states an unimaginable amount of money, and has left them with a debt they will never be able to pay.   the rest of the world has suffered, and will continue to suffer for generations yet.


well, unless you are an arms manufacturer.  those guys are doing great.

trishcuit's picture



I second Birthstone. It depends on who you talk to.