Do you think it's ok to have an office romance?

Yes, it's a good place to meet a potential partner
9% (7 votes)
No, it's a distraction from the work
27% (20 votes)
It depends on the circumstances
64% (47 votes)
Total votes: 74


Mendalla's picture



It could be a distraction and I think the couple needs to make sure that it doesn't become one. I would also suggest that a romance along reporting lines (i.e. an employee and his/her superior or someone higher up the totem pole) carries some heavy risks for both the participants and the company and those risks could be a distraction even if the romance isn't. In a case like this, I'd suggest that one of the two change jobs or request a transfer if the relationship is to last (though, perhaps, some could manage to keep such a situation properly professional). However, if two people in different departments or on the same level hierarchy-wise hook up and can keep work and life separate, there's no problem IMHO.




trishcuit's picture



Pretty tough to say   "No it's not OK" when your soul mate could be lurking anywhere, even at work.

trishcuit's picture



Better than meeting someone at the bar.

Mahakala's picture



I think office romances are great. But unfortunately, my wife doesn't approve ;-)