
Can an American surge save Iraq?

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MonAsksIt's picture



Yeah, right! (Rolls eyes skyward) As my favorite bald T.V. show host says, "Best predictor of future behavior is past behavior". Bigger is not better, and realizing that this little idea is not true should really put a crimp in the American mindset. The theme of our tour in Yellowstone seemed to be "our ___ is the biggest in the ____" whether it was the biggest of the town, the state, the west, the country, or the world, it all had to be described in that way. And that was the tourguides, never mind the Texans that were there. Iraq will be saved when either the ethnic cleansing in the Middle East is complete (not just Iraq), or when the people all decide that they have had enough. Haven't we learned ANYTHING from Ireland???

change's picture



Every turn in this war has been worse than the next. Other than not starting it in the first place, it's hard to know what would help. If the Americans pull out, the country is sure to erupt in all out civil war. If they continue as is, they nothing good will happen, things will just continue to go downhill for everyone. If they escalate, which is being announced tonight, then many more people will die with no guarrentte of victory, but instead this could spark the civil war too. Well, at least they got Saddam (I say sarcastically, because that turned out pretty bad too).

churchguy's picture



I didn't work in Vietnam, why do they think that it will work in Iraq? I know that it won't change the current state of world affairs, but maybe the Americans need to re-think their foreign policy so that we aren't in this mess AGAIN in 20 or 30 years!

processdualism's picture



The theory of the "surge" as I understand it is to give support to the current government. Since that government reflects the Shia majority it is unlikely to end the violence between Shia and Sunni.
I believe it was Eisenhower who warned that once you get in, you keep getting pulled in deeper.
There are scenarios that could lead to peace, but they all involve negotiation not more troops. They also require an honest broker, and George W. is many things, but no one has ever accused him of being an honest broker.

Porcupine_John's picture



I am sure that the surge will not save Iraq from Civil war. It may put some strength back into the American economy. America thrives on a War economy.

klaatu's picture



"It may put some strength back into the American economy. "

That is likely to be temporary. The longer-term impact of the yawning deficits and the enormous national debt are unpredictable, but probably not good.

Of course, since most politicians can't look past the next election, and most corporate executives are blind past the end of the current quarter (or maybe fiscal year if they are REALLY far-sighted), no one is going to be too concerned with little things like long-term impacts. Let our kids and grandkids worry about that.

slowwalker's picture



Why is George Bush still trying to run Iraq like it was a real country: forcing diverse people into a false unity? 200,000 soldiers won't bring them together. The only hope for Iraq is three automous regions for Kurds, Sunnis and Shiites, where each can handle their own affairs. George has been getting this advice from much more knowlegeable sources than me, but will he listen? Of course not. Democrats arise and put some sense into this horrible mess.

Gideon's picture



More violence will not bring peace to Iraq, the people of Iraq must want to have it and work for it.It does not help any when bordering countries are sending more insurgents every day to add to the violence.
The whole region is so unstable and violence-prone, it has been for centuries.This is why so many people have run away from the area to live in safe countries like Canada.

Gideon's picture



To administrator, my profile number is P140107075215.

kwind's picture



The only thing that will save Iraq ( I believe) is a new government arranged by the UN. The only way to end the US occupation of Iraq is the US starting the draft. That will be the only thing that will get people to stop and take notice. Especially the rich families who have no idea what it feels like to lose a child to war. They are protected now, but if the draft came back?? Just wait, if the draft came into effect there would be rioting, marches etc. just like back in the 60's.

I just wish Canada didn't even go to the Middle East. The whole area is full of conflict but it is the Middle East's problem and only they can understand the situation fully. Only they can solve it.



Bigfoot's picture



I agree with you, Kendra. The United States should keep their noses out of everyone else's business and let them resolve their problems on their own.

Linden16's picture



No, America can't "save Iraq", but it's unlikely that the UN, or anyone else for that matter, could save this area either. For the life of me, I can't understand why the US doesn't just pull out of their as quickly as administratively/militarily possible, and focus their efforts elsewhere. If they're that worried about national security, divert the time/effort/money towards domestic defence. If it's really all about the oil, then divert the time/effort/money currently being spent on the war in Iraq towards alternative energy sources or something. The billions of dollars currently being wasted here just aren't working for anyone. Why continue throwing good money at this problem?!?!?

tenorone's picture



It seems to me that Iraq was relatively peaceful before the invasion. Yes they oppressed the Kurds, but that is similar to other countries where a minority people are oppresed by the majority. Yes the Sunnis and the Shia people had some conflict but so do the French and English in Canada. Yes Iraq was ruled by a dictator, but sadly that is the for many countries of our world. Iraq was by no means perfect, but it functioned at least to some degree.

But when the invasion happened suddenly there was a huge power implosion. All of the power structures of Iraqi society were destroyed and the new power structures were never put in place, or not much thought was put in to who should run the new structures. In biblical terms think of Jerusalem after the Babylonian invasion when the best and brightest were taken away in the Captivity. The rest of the people lived in chaos. That is what is happening today in Baghdad.

Can an American surge help? I don't think so. I really think it will take Iraqi leaders who arise out of merit and not loyalty to the old leaders or the American chosen leaders of today. Until leaders are in place who are able to earn the respect and trust of the majority of Iraqis, chaos will reign supreme.

raider's picture



If a surge is going too work in Iraq the American are going too have too be brutal on all People their . until they are all dead or the stop resisting .
at that point they can remake the country any way they want .

If this level of brutality is unacceptable too Americans they should leave.

War is all full and should be seldom enter in too . Be committed to do what ever it takes Too win . weapons of mass destruction and all .. or do not go too war .

jka's picture



This question is akin to asking asking a person when he last beat his wife. "Save" is a very loaded word. What is meant by "save"? This question was placed to feed on the anti-American on anything nationalism that is so rampant in this country.

killer_rabbit79's picture



America has done what it went in Iraq to do and now they have to leave. They took down Saddam and established a democracy and now Iraq is a much better country. It's now Iraq's responsibility to either maintain America's government. If they succeed then they succeed; if they fail, they fail. It's that simple.
