
Is Canada doing a good job helping people around the world in need?

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Faerenach's picture



We're supposed to choose between yes or no?? That's crazytalk!

RevMatt's picture



Seems pretty easy to me. Hell no, we are doing a HORRIBLE job.

missjen's picture



I agree with RevMatt. No way hose! Not a chance, not at all! I worked at a homeless shelter in downtown Winnipeg and can tell you that we don't even take care of our own, nevermind people from other countries! Can't even write anymore....this topic upsets me...

orangina's picture



I think we've taken a few steps in the right direction, but we could and should be doing so much more! Can anyone say "millennium development goals" ?!?!?

Nealatthewheel's picture



Doing better than some...doing worse than others...

Frankly, the job would be easier if
a) they'd help themselves more
b) stop killing each other over tribal feuds that should have ended 5 centuries ago...
c) we'd actually get serious about doing it...

reb's picture



Is the question really ,are we doing enough? Perhaps what should be measured is what has Canada accomplished in the last number of years for example in Afganistan? The importance of girls& women getting an education [let alone being able to go outside after 5 years under the Taliban].I don't know about the rest of you ,but in my books that is a HUGH- Hugh contribution on our part. Sometimes it's easier to consentrate on bashing instead of giving credit to Canada wher it is due. reb

cate's picture



Ultimately the question is "are WE doing enough". What Canada does is what we, its citizens, tell it to do. We have recently told it to keep our taxes low so we can shop more and live in bigger homes. We have also recently told it that the environment is not reeeeeeally that important if it means giving up our SUVs and cheap goods from China. We have never told it to look after our homeless, our poor, and we are even on the fence about caring for citizens who are sick....

Soooo, it's really not about bashing "Canada", but more about being accountable and honest about the selfish choices we are making.

And hey, I am ALL for educating and liberating women and girls in Afghanistan, I'm just not sure we ever get the true picture of what's going on over there from our media or governments. Which leaves me very skeptical.

ggarlough's picture



Vote for No .....no way was the choice.

We are doing well relative to USA, esp when one considers that the US tends to favour "foreign aid" in forms that stimulate the economy at home in the U.S.

We are doing poorly relative to need, relative to our own capacity, relative to what the developed world should be doing.

My own main efforts are through CFGB (Canadian Foodgrains Bank), church and 'foster parents' types of plans.gg

Longwave's picture



What a stupid question.

un_111207123537's picture



I mistakenly clicked "Why Should We?" thinking it was leading to why we should help others around the world, and we should because we can!

Bright's picture



It is going to be an enormous challenge if a scary looking person out there repeatedly comes in person and offensively asks help. One of the first steps in terms of helping people in need in today's world would be probably to find "a right job" and to accurately match a giver who can generously help without compensation with a recipient who can truly appreciate the help without pretending to look like they need more than they do.
