
Does your employer support you in your role as a parent?

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GO_3838's picture



Wow, no one wants to tackle this one!

I guess I'll post since no one else has.

For the most part, my supervisor is very supportive. We have staff children's Xmas
parties. We can call in sick when it's really the children who are sick, and he never says anything about it.

However, my employer is not so supportive. I actually lost part of my job this summer because I chose to put my family ahead of my career. I used to have a supervisory position that I got 5 years ago. Three years ago, I got a letter saying that I should upgrade within three years. If I didn't, then when my term was over and up for renewal, they would hire someone who had those qualifications.

I meant to take the course and upgrade, but I had a toddler, and I was breastfeeding my infant son. I already spent a lot of time away from them to work. I couldn't imagine spending even more time away from them to take a university course. So I waited until the three years were nearly up. I took an on-line course, and I would finish 4 months after my term was up. But it was too little, too late. I lost that term job, and lost the $4000 that went with it.

However, I'm not sorry I made the choices I made. I figure I can finish my upgrading and apply for other positions. I'd rather be $4000 less now than feel guilty for the rest of my life about not nursing my son as long as he should have been.

somegirl's picture



My employer is pretty supportive. They have a children's Christmas party and a family picnic each year. They also have what's caller "core hours". You have to be in by 9 and can't end your shift before 4 but you can set your own hours outside of that. Without that we would have a problem because Someguy works nights so we don't need child care. I can't go to work until he gets home. You can also make up time for appointments or if you have to pick up your child from school or stuff like that. In that way you don't have to use your vacation or sick time.