
How do you cope in deep winter?

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Namaste's picture



I live in Vancouver. We don't really have deep winter here. Yesterday, I think it was about -1 and I coped by whining, complaining, etc. "Omigosh, it's soooo frickin' cold!"

cate's picture



ahem... it was -45 here two days ago. Two weeks before that it was +2. That's life in Winnipeg! But I still love it here!

Motheroffive's picture



Minus 12 in the mornings here is cold and I've been here long enough that it feels frigid to me.

I hibernate -- can't drink hot chocolate but lots of tea does it for me, although I am planning to buy some snowshoes this year.

budd's picture



It's winter, so enjoy it. My outdoor passtimes are snowmobiling and cross country skiing. (When I'm not out with the damm snowblower!) I'm from Newfoundland and Labrador. (The island part)

Pinga's picture



sweet! budd -- you are from Newfoundland.

If you haven't posted already, we had a thread in social which was for identifying those around the parts of the country, and we were woefully lacking in Newfoundland & Labrador folks..though, I think some were honourary, like Grant who goes there for a % of each year, and RevJohn who was a minister in St. Anthony's.

anyhow, glad you are here.

(ps..how do I cope...much better than my guests from India are. I am betting they think i am cruel to have them here for training for 5 weeks in the coldest months of the year, but, it is also the ones, where we tend to stay home, have more time for work projects...

nixca's picture



The way I see it...my current discomfort, sitting here in minus 10 celsius temperatures and way too much snow, is all the fault of my ancestors: If they had turned LEFT instead of RIGHT when they arrived on the North American shores, I would be living under a palm tree and gatherin coconuts.

ggarlough's picture



in SE Ontario... winter is .... variable. But it arrived a month early this year (circa Nov 25). Our usual winter work (farm community) is in one of our woodlots. Firewood for various family connections, some hardwoods for flooring, ... and so on.
It always feels cold when one first steps out in the am ... but when you get in the woodlot and get active it is very comfortable ........ and rewardingas you see the improvements over years and decades of management.

We do 'go south' sometimes but I prefer outdoor activities here. Besides wood is a 'green' fuel.

jlin's picture



I feel a little odd about posting this, because it is right now. maybe 1 above and there is an icnh of snow on the ground.

Still, it rains here all the time. People leave the west coast because of the winters, they can't handle 6 months of rain and clouds. It CAN be very intense. We use sunlamps and vit. D but the best survivors of the west coast live outside; we love the rain, we seldom use umbrellas. We have wet gear, wet rooms, rubber boots, hiking boots, bikes.

I still find that west coasters are not good at walking, just like elsewhere in Canada. Walking is for the poor and heaven forbid that we are poor. thus, too many people are obsessed with runnning. make it look like you're workin hard and people will respect you rather than link you with the poor indigent. heaven forbid!!

lastpointe's picture



The best way in my opinion to enjoy winter is to find an outdoor activity you like and thrive with it. We ski but i also love walking in the snow with the dog.

It's cold, bundle up, walk fast, wear the right clothes and savour the winter.

Boots's picture



Yesterday it was-45 with the wind chill and I was outside working on my son s's snow slide but in the evening I like to cuddle and drink hot chocolate.

DCChick's picture



What is coping? In winter you work. When it snows you work at home and hope if you have to out that the roads arent too slippy. (Slippy is a good PEI word folks). Coping is for sissies. Islanders dont notice thatr there is any need to "cope".
What can you do about it anyway - if you get a ticket for down south you mihgt not be able to get to the airpirt on the day of your flight, The power may be off and you cant make your hot chocolte and the snow wont be siuitable for snowmen! So there!!!!

sedona's picture



for the last week we have been frozen up, water and sewer!!! finaly yesterday we got water, so could have a shower, but had to bail out the bath, good job we have a lot of outside space to throw water, as for wc thank goodness for old camping Port O Pottie!!! it has been a real pain, BUT we coped and it was kinda like camping all over again except it was -40 for a while!!, but we were warm, and lots in pantry and deep freeze, so I feel we are blessed, anyone can put up with these inconveniences for a while , and tomorrow is supposed to be 0, so hopefully the big thaw!!

joefrommarathon's picture



wake up, get on the bike trainer until you here the magic words the car won;t start. Throw the coat and windpants over your sweaty body and go outside to deal with it. Realize it was colder than -20 and you should have plugged in. Work indoors most of the day. Do some baking to heat up the house more. Go to a friends and clear their driveway for them. Get on the treadmill and check the forecast for my Mom in Hamilton and then for here for tomorrow......-40 with the windchill........better plug in tonight

Northwind's picture



I live in northern BC and we have had three weeks of -30 or colder here.....or so I heard. We took off for the Dominican Republic for two weeks and got back on the 6th. Our solar panels are recharged and we are better able to face the world! Having a sunny warm winter vacation is something a person could adjust to quite nicely.

I do like winter though. We get rewarded here for dealing with the extreme cold. We get the bright sunny days, sparkling white snow and hoar frost on the trees. It is very beautiful. Of course things like polar fleece and Sorel boots are also gifts from God I think!

I participate in winter activities where I can. Hubbie and I started curling this winter and joined a league. It makes winter more fun, and we have met new friends. We also sing in a community choir together. Playing in the snow in whatever way you can is also good.

The forecast is for the temps to go up to -10 here today and -2 tomorrow. Praises be! We're having a heat wave!

P.S. I spent a winter in Port Aux Basques, NF twenty years ago. Now THAT is cold! It precipitates horizontally out there.

reb's picture



I've lived in eastern Canada all my life & while I can't say I like shovelling the white stuff I still love my life here. I can't imagine Xmas in 80 degree weather. If I want that I can save for some time & go south.[maybe!] It's all in the mind,so to speak.reb