
How do you help others?

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clergychickita's picture



there's no option in the vote to pick both -- I give time and money.
Not nearly enough, usually, but I try to do both!

haahaahaa's picture



time, money, are we talking about others we know or others we have never met.
If it is the general others, time is harder to give because it has to be "organized" for the most part:ie thourght a club committee or organization. so money is easy then...
time to those we know is easier, but not always. one still has to match schedules...
money and things is easy, as long as it is what they want to receive, not what we want to give...

lastpointe's picture



Agree that the question is wrong. I do both too and had to pick only one option.

Money for some things like Cander society, Heart and Stroke,
money and time for things like church,
money and time for local charities
and then time for things like school.

bobby10's picture



Living in the US it has been brought rather harshly to my attention, that here one is expected to GIVE GIVE GIVE in the form of time and money....far more than in Canada and to venues to which you have no close connection. It is tiresome. The phone calls and petitions for cash for everything from the AmVets (which largely get cast aside by our Gov't after fighting and then becoming ill) to local schools who need money to keep operating. I know realize that in Canada we complained about our high taxes, but did not realize that the taxes are generally WELL used there and USUALLY appropriately and responsibly applied. Here they rely on the "feel good" of giving and the "guilting" into giving.
I much prefer our Canadian way of working locally, providing for the institutions and venues dearest to one's own heart and the feel of community that happens there. I am especially offended by telemarketers that get rude with me when we ask them to remove us from their calling lists (even though we are ON the national Do-Not-Call List a federal gov't regulated device) who try to make you feel like a thief or a bad person for not giving. When all is said and done, we calculated: taxes, donations, medical insurance, Emergency Measures Insurance (fire, ambulance etc) and in the end our "tax" situation here is MUCH MUCH higher than what we would pay in Canada.....the other benefit? In Canada we can give or not and let our own conscience be our guide....not some yapping telemarketer who him/herself is getting paid to take your money. PLEASE Canada, put the stoppers on telemarketing. We do NOT want to stoop to that low scummy level any more than we already have.
Give from your heart as you can ..... let your conscience be your guide.

anny's picture



I agree, I would like to be able to click time and money.
Volunteerism is apparently decreasing in numbers. We need to encourage more of our families to participate and teach our future generations that they need to 'give back' or 'pay forward' with there time.
Often time is more valuable in many things than money.

SLJudds's picture



Same here, Time, money, moral support, prayers and whatever else I can do.

itdontmatter's picture



The problem in the US is that the organization who calls and makes it appear that they are Am Vets or other group selling something to make money, is in actuality a company totally unrelated to the group that is giving a small percentage, typically 3% to 10%, to the group. The recipient group may, or may not, be aware that a company is selling stuff in their name.

The phone script that says: "Hi, I'm Robyn and I am selling these jim dandy lifetime guaranteed light bulbs to help Am Vets"

Really means "I am selling light bulbs at a vastly inflated price and 3% of net goes to the Am Vets"

Raise's picture



I think..some time, some money and the most important is Education..I give Education..



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