
Smoking in a car with children inside...

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ponder's picture



Smoking in a car with children inside seems stupid to me but to ask or expect the government to make it illegal seems wrong. I mean it seems to me that Jesus has given us all the laws we need. Why would you ask the government to do your work?

somegirl's picture



I smoke and I have never ever smoked with my kid in the car. I used to hate it when my parents and my friends parents used to smoke in the car. If we are out and about or on a trip and we need a smoke, we pull over and get out of the car. It's not a big deal really.

cate's picture



Yes, smoking inside a car with a child should be illegal.... as soon as smoking is illegal.

Until then, it's irresponsible and selfish, which I guess could be described as stupid.

One Human Being's picture

One Human Being


My parents did it to me and look how I turned out.

RevMatt's picture



Why can't I vote for both stupid and should be illegal? :)

Lorelei's picture



We have legislated that other things should not occur because we cannot trust to the good sense of people who do them so why not legislate against smoking in vehicles with children in them? If everyone had good common sense in equal amounts we would not need legislation but there are some people who are too careless, or too selfish, to look after any but themselves so there are times when we need to legislate to protect the innocent.

One Human Being's picture

One Human Being


I think if the government made rules for every single aspect of our lives we'd be much better off as a society.

cate's picture



I'm not certain, but I think (hope) I sense a note of sarcasm there.

I think making this illegal is taking the state's roll too far in terms of legislating against something that is not illegal.... my mom raised me in a tiny little house for 10 years while she smoked a pack a day. There are many, MANY parents doing the same thing right now. Will they be making that illegal? How, when smoking is not illegal? If we are going to make smoking illegal in businesses, in cars, and in homes.... then why exactly are we not just flat out making it illegal period?

Personally, I think it's time to make smoking illegal. And at the same time have tobacco companies pay for all the healthcare costs associated with it.

But we need to be careful about the opening the door into our private lives for the government, where legal activities are concerned.

One Human Being's picture

One Human Being


The government should take charge because people, in general, are stupid. I'm sure we would all be much happier.

Namaste's picture



I'm with you RevMatt. It is one thing if an adult chooses to smoke. That's their decision and hopefully they know the consequences. But to subject a child to it, I believe is wrong. The child is held captive in the car and can't escape the cigarette smoke. So it's stupid and irresponsible of the adult to endanger their child. I wish it would be illegal, but think it's highly unlikely.

InannaWhimsey's picture



Should smoking in a car with children inside be illegal?


See video

(youtube video, so remember to watch your volume settings)

Smoking in a car with children should not be illegal.

Children should not be illegal.

Cars should not be illegal.

Smoking should not be illegal.

Smoking with children should not be illegal.

Children in cars should not be illegal.

That's why we have free will, to be responsible for our own actions.

Living in an amish paradise,

jlin's picture




Kids don't have the ability to tell you to stuff your effin cigarette. Children get ignored, hurt and shut up and then they have to put up with 2nd degree cig smoke which will start them on their careers to cancer and/or smoking in self defence.

Kids easily develop alergies to cig smoke in the closed setting. Also, cig smoke can set off migraine headaches in people of any age.

The free will arguement was also used in the cases of drinking while under the influence and in seatbelt legislation.

People act stupidly when we believe that free will means freedom to act like an arsehole.

Pinga's picture



i remember hanging out with a good friend, who lived in a home, with two young children. All of us smoked at the time. I was probably a two-pack a day, especially when we were drinking, which is what I did there. She smoked more. Her one partner in their home smoked more.

On a relative scale, she was bringing the kids up in a healthier home than others in the neighbourhood, and better than her own up-bringing.

Each youngster would steal smokes as they aged...(as i had with my friends whose parents smoked)

I do wonder how their lungs ended up

I absolutely feel that smoking in a car with kids should be a fineable offence, just as seatbelts is. I won't intrude on the home..but, i do get those who wonder if it should be.

One Human Being's picture

One Human Being


People are stupid. We need a strong government! Of course, not the Conservatives - they are evil. But if the NDP or the Green Party were in power they should have unlimited power because they are good people.

MadMonk's picture



It's illegal in some places, and so it should be.

Smokers rights? Shouldn't be any, esp. when I suck in second hand smoke as I walk into the hospital to visit cancer patients...

sighsnootles's picture



what should be illegal is smoking while driving your car... we are looking at making it illegal to use your cell phones while driving because statistics have shown that a person who talks on their cell phone has the same response time as someone who is intoxicated, i can't imagine that its any different for someone whos trying to fire up their cigarette while driving...

smoking in a car while your kid is in there is just friggin stoopid.

whatsupapplepie's picture



Children shouldn't be forced to inhale toxins anywhere (in a car, home, etc) just because an adult wants their nicotine rush.

Al Legator's picture

Al Legator


I could not agree more with JLin. (Ontario has recently passed a law banning smoking in a car with children under 16.) Driving in a car is an unnatural act in itself. Confining children in a closed box and deliberately expelling obnoxious and dangerous chemicals that cannot help but affect those children is nothing short of abuse. As for the aspect of government butting in... well that's what government must do from time to time in order to protect the citizens it is created, in part, to protect.If some citizens are a danger to others, then that danger that should be controlled and/or mitigated.

Now the argument becomes really interesting when we extend it into private homes, doesn't it? All the arguments I made for banning it in the car apply, though perhaps to a lesser extent, in the home.(To a lesser extent because typically one usually can escape the smoke, if so inclined, by leaving the room, though babies and toddlers can't make that decision). I would like to see smoking in the home with children present non-existant. Many smokers now smoke outside their own homes, but not all. But do I want it banned by law? It personally would not make affect me but I'm not certain that I want to draw the line on the other side of a person's front door. As well, it would be completely unenforceable. But philosophically, I'd be interested to hear what other people think.

Hmmm, as I balance the arguments, maybe I would not mind seeing a ban in homes but still, no-one could enforce it so would there be a point?

findingmyway's picture



Smoking around children in general should be illegal! It should not be allowed in a home where children reside.  We all know of the problems that smoking creates, we as adults make that decision every time we strike the match. Why  would it be ok to make that decision for a child that could have long term reprocussions?  " Its ok Susie. Mommy needs a smoke. I know that this might give you cancer, but its worth it to me in the end to get my nic fix"
