
What is most important to you when you buy a car?

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trishcuit's picture



 I like a good reputation for reliability, within the criteria I seek wether it be fuel economy, size or what have you.  I don't want something that is going to break down.  I don't care if a vehicle gets 40-50 mp/g, if it breaks down all the time and costs a bundle to fix I  need that in my life. I have a family and can't afford to be stranded.

SLJudds's picture



I agree with Trish


GordW's picture



With three kids size automatically becomes the first thing to look at.  And so we have a minivan.

For our second vehicle size was also a criteria but in the other direction -- small and efficient since it was mainly for one adult at a time

trishcuit's picture



 we have a minivan for the same reason. It would be nice to have a small commuter vehicle too though. Perhaps one day one of us will get an ebike.

Birthstone's picture



same here, 2 kids plus 2 dogs - my sweetie has a hybrid for work so that helps.

How about choosing a company over another company - ie - GM cancelled its electric car program years ago when it could have made a difference - but Honda & Toyota should be applauded for their steps towards greener cars - lots of examples like this...


john karnes's picture

john karnes



I stopped driving a car when i relized that cars make victims of people when it comes to police scrutiny. There u are driving around all happy enjoying the day when a checkstop completely grinds u to a halt, then if u have long hair all hell will break loose the stupid cops will want to check the car... etc.. ask u weird questions about your lifestyle. etc... lol... so i bought an electric motorcycle, insurance free, seat belt free, gas free, license free.... checkstop free...... wheeee!!  now i drive right on by those nasty cops and their intrusive checkstops... hallelujah!! and screw the police.

Heres how society works by the way:

Capitalism creates poverty as its byproduct (prices go up but never wages), poverty creates crime as its byproduct (as people try to survive), crime creates police as its byproduct (to stop the crime that capitalists create). what a wonderful cycle LOL. Pretty soon policing will be the only job besides government worker, lol.

Dont vote, u dont vote for a person, u vote for a system, the capitalistic system based on money.

