
What should the Canadian government do in response to the disparaging remarks about the country's military on Fox News?

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sighsnootles's picture



having watched the segment, i can't believe that these guys are the ones giving the news to the american people... no wonder so many americans are so ignorant of world affairs.  one guy didn't even KNOW that canadian troops had been serving in afghanistan.  and to have said such bullshit when canada is bringing home 4 more bodies??   ignorant AND disgusting. 


why anyone even watches that channel anymore is beyond me.

killer_rabbit79's picture



Our soldiers are some of the best in the world. We were feared in WWI and the Cold War. We kicked the shit out of the US in the War of 1812 as well.

See video


Our troops get far superiour training to the American troops. Anyone else watch "Combat School" on Discovery?


aotn's picture



I would have gone with the fourth option if I considered Mercer to be remotely funny...

lastpointe's picture



I didn't vote because the options are dumb.


however, this is really a "D" list group on in the middle of the night.


Stupid and very uneducated by the sound of them.  All the stupid comments about mounties in red suits.


Late in teh afternoon I did here an apology by the main character.


Sadly, you need to wonder how many americans think like that.  hopefully not many

play.until.i.bleed's picture



I think foxnews is just a bunch of rednecks who took over a tv station

play.until.i.bleed's picture



who burnt down the white house? we burnt down the white house! (although the american textbooks don't say that)

samk123's picture



if the canadian government could control Rick Mercer, then D is definetly the answer. if only they could keep him on a leash ;).

john karnes's picture

john karnes


Canada has lost so much of its unique individuality, mostly because of united states influence or demands. We should work to get that individuality and uniqueness back. Its a shame to be compromised by a country so black hearted as america but its even a bigger shame of canada that we havent had a real Leader for longer than i can remember, we have sheep and cowards and capitalists, oh no!

play.until.i.bleed's picture



not all of america is bad, just the majority! I feel sorry for the americans who are actually nice!