
What's your pick for the "Best Picture" Oscar?

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Panentheism's picture



I also liked winters bone - except for 127 and black swan and the fighter ( have not seen) any of these would be a good winner


The reason I choose true grit is it is a more demanding movie and that is why winters bone is up there - the others are very good and except of inception none push genre -

qwerty's picture



 How come Barney's Version isn't on the list?  It is a great picture with great acting.  It is a great story that captures the special character of Montreal and the irreverent spirit of Mordecai Richler.  Very smart.   Bitter sweet.  Life affirming. Entirely Canadian.

The Arrogant Man's picture

The Arrogant Man


Tron: Legacy was the best film of the year.  The critics didn't like it because they weren't intellectual enough to pick up on the subtle themes and subplots; it was actually a sizzling social commentary.

lastpointe's picture



sorry to see that Barney's Version didn't get nominated but.....


I just don't get why we have 10 movies up for Oscars these days.  Just seems silly.  Just one of those commerical moves so that more movies can put on teh jacket  "nominated for........" 


