
Will you be getting the H1N1 vaccination?

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trishcuit's picture



 I have a son who was a preemie. he is too young for the shot so I got one.  Anything to protect my babies. 

Panentheism's picture



As an ethical question, those who deal with the public should consider getting a shot - if not remove themselves from face to face encounters.

Panentheism's picture



What is progaganda? 

trishcuit's picture



 yes Beshpin, are we talking PRO-vaccination propaganda or anti? Or is this just a general statement?

qwerty's picture



Well, according to the health authorities, now that I have turned 60 I am apparently more or less immune from the effects of this particular flu.  So my answer would be that yes I will get the shot if they ever obtain "enough" vaccine and provided, I suppose, that when that occurs that the disease is still around in a significant enough way to justify making the trip and having the sore arm.  I have a feeling though that the health authorities have muffed this one and that all the money spent has had no significant effect in slowing the spread of the disease (because they started too late) and that by the time the shots can be given to everyone the threat will be gone.  I'll be damned if I am going to go get a shot just in order to assist the health authorities to save face and avoid throwing out obsolete vaccine. Though according to the news and the health authorities feeding them the stories the failure to get enough vaccine in time or at all is not the important issue but rather the really important issue is "queu jumpers".  I can't help but think that queu jumpers would not pose any problem whatsoever if the health authorities had done their job.  I can't help but think that they want us to take our eye off the ball with these stories of "privileged" queu jumpers.  If there would have been enough vaccine it would represent no privilege at all to have received a shot. 

narrowgate's picture



 I agree with Beshpin. I don't trust the media enough to buy what they are selling.

kaythecurler's picture



I think it might be a bit dishonest to answer the question at all.  It says "Will you be getting the H1N1 vaccination?"


I've had it already - also the general flu shot.

Hopefully that will mean I won't get either flus!