Alex's picture



What are United Churches Congregations doing that are Growing or Remaining Healthy

 While their is a lot of discussion in the Christian world about the declining membership, some local Christian Churches, and some United Churches are growing, or at least retaining there membership and remaining vital and alive. 


Is your church one of these, or do you know of one. What are they doing, or how are they changing so that they grow or remain vital, while others shrink and many close?

EmergingSpirit's picture



Jesse Hair: Conservative Churches Also Seeing Decline

Much has been made of the decline of moderate and liberal churches in North America. The prevailing wisdom is that conservative churches, on the other hand, are on the rise. Is this really the case? In a brief article at, Martin E. Marty (columnist for the Christian Century, professor and pastor) asks whether the U.S. is following the pattern of Western Europe - a decline in church membership and attendance across all denominations, both liberal and conservative. Both the U.S. and Canada are both generally seen as secular societies. The U.S. in particular, however, has had a much stronger religious 'streak.' Could this now be changing?
