WonderCafe's picture



Keith Howard: Meetings – Weapons of Mass Interruption

Keith Howard, former executive director of Emerging Spirit, writes:

If an apocalyptic meltdown of the national umbrella of the United Church does occur – as some predict – what will be the last things standing? The Pension Fund (I hope); the Standard Salary Schedule; our penchant for meetings?
A friend casually remarked that the roots of the system upon which ours is based actually reach back before the time of the telephone.
Historically meetings have served many purposes – information sharing, an excuse to socialize and organize and, occasionally, to make or (double) check decisions.
Al Pittampalli’s e-book, Read This Before Our Next Meeting probes the role of the much maligned meeting in this postmodern time. (And in this the subtitle perhaps misleads – “the modern meeting standard for successful organizations.”) He seeks to redefine the purpose and style of meetings.
Seven principles define his understanding...
(Read the full blog post here: keithhoward.ca)
crazyheart's picture



From Matt - Violence of time Abuse.

Church meetings - go around and around

Church meetings - too many

Church meetings - that suck the spirit from us

Church Meetings - that acomplish nothing quickly


Rev Matt in another thread calls it Violence of Time Abuse. What can we do about it ?
