Halton Pres Emerging Spirit Group

Good Day Folks!!
Here we are at our gathering, deciding to make a group so we can keep up these discussions anytime anywhere.

Remember that www.emergingspirit.ca has a great outlet for ideas & sharing too.

Ideas from today:

How fast is too fast for changing things?

Technology - what is it, how do we use it?

thinking outside the box - different services, allowing them, coffee times to bridge them as community

Presentations to Council - take this info to them

focusing on 30-45, but also youth - these resources are broader than a small group - reach out & empower them

nurture existing members, but encourage them to have courage & reach out

What are our obstacles in 'emerging'?

making room for younger generations in running the church, directing them

established members should take time to try other denominations, other styles and see just how 'alien' it can feel to be out of your element- use this new awareness for sympathizing with newcomers in our church

Name purpose for new activities and build from there

build a tech team - start with a one time service and whet their appetite

Tell Emerging Spirit/United Church to keep funding the program!!! 3 years is just the beginning!

Welcome to our group!  God bless :)



Good Day Folks!!
Here we are at our gathering, deciding to make a group so we can keep up these discussions anytime anywhere.

Remember that www.emergingspirit.ca has a great outlet for ideas & sharing too.

Ideas from today:

How fast is too fast for changing things?

Technology - what is it, how do we use it?

thinking outside the box - different services, allowing them, coffee times to bridge them as community

Presentations to Council - take this info to them

focusing on 30-45, but also youth - these resources are broader than a small group - reach out & empower them

nurture existing members, but encourage them to have courage & reach out

What are our obstacles in 'emerging'?

making room for younger generations in running the church, directing them

established members should take time to try other denominations, other styles and see just how 'alien' it can feel to be out of your element- use this new awareness for sympathizing with newcomers in our church

Name purpose for new activities and build from there

build a tech team - start with a one time service and whet their appetite

Tell Emerging Spirit/United Church to keep funding the program!!! 3 years is just the beginning!

Welcome to our group!  God bless :)


