somegalfromcan's picture



Michael Dowd

I am curious to hear if anyone hear has ever heard speak before? Our congregation, along with three others in our presbytery, is hosting a series of conversations on Evolutionary Christianity, which starts tomorrow night and he will be the guest speaker for the first session. He was leading worship[ at my church today, but I missed most of what he had to say because I was out leading Sunday School.

Jim Kenney's picture

Jim Kenney


Sanguin: Darwin, Divinity and the Dance of the Cosmos

This is a very interesting and challenging book by Bruce Sanguin.  As a person with a science background pushed by the demands of  teaching to keep reasonably current on what is happening in science,  Bruce effectively links developments in science to rethinking our understanding of God and of the message that Jesus offered.  Is there anybody else who has read this book that would be interested in co-hosting a discussion in this thread?


Jim Kenney's picture

Jim Kenney


A conceptual Challenge

On the Taking a break thread, one person posted a desire for a challenge in  church.  An interesting challenge would be to read Bruce Sanguin's Darwin, Divinity, and the Dance of the Cosmos, followed by a discussion on what feels helpfully insightful in his book and how the churh would need to change to live up to the theology in this book.
