somegirl's picture



On-line courses

I was wondering if any of you folks out there have had any experience with on-line courses?  I'm thinking of approaching my employer about taking a program on-line at Algonquin College, but I don't know if that kind of learning is right for me.  The program isn't available here and I don't like to take the time away from my family to take a part-time program anyway.


Your input would be appreciated, thanks.

LBmuskoka's picture



Five Days on the Digital Dirt Road

As a rural person this hit home.  I have been "connected" to the global web since 1989.  While I am well aware that there is a lot of garbage out there, I also believe that having access to the Internet can open doors for people who would normally be isolated - not just by geography but by physical constraints.  Anyway some might find this interesting...

crazyheart's picture



If all the computors and the information highway disappeared.........

what would be added to your day that you would have to do by hand.

Do you remember how to write a letter?

Do you know how to spell?

Can you bank at a real bank?

On-line games, blogs, messageboards - what would you do for fun?

Would there be less crime? less terrorism?

Just wondering?

christcentred's picture



Calling All Wondercafe Bloggers......

All bloggers at wonder cafe, join this group for blogging discussion and companionship:
