Keswick Ridge United Youth

Hello new Youth in Motion members of Keswick Ridge United:


Glad you found us on  Wonder cafe.  This is space here for you to touch base and talk about our faith.  Maybe you will find something in your day that makes you connect to something we are focusing on in our youth discussions....who knows.  

Parental permission is a requirement to be here...but they will not be reading your thoughts nor will I be sharing them without YOUR permission.


This is a new undertaking by a lot of folks who want you all to know that youth matters!  YOU matter and what you think and how you participate in the whole body of Christ is important to us...


Looking forward to a great year! 


Rev Mary Tingley




Hello new Youth in Motion members of Keswick Ridge United:


Glad you found us on  Wonder cafe.  This is space here for you to touch base and talk about our faith.  Maybe you will find something in your day that makes you connect to something we are focusing on in our youth discussions....who knows.  

Parental permission is a requirement to be here...but they will not be reading your thoughts nor will I be sharing them without YOUR permission.


This is a new undertaking by a lot of folks who want you all to know that youth matters!  YOU matter and what you think and how you participate in the whole body of Christ is important to us...


Looking forward to a great year! 


Rev Mary Tingley




carolla's picture



Living the Hope - did your church make changes or are you still hoping?

Just wondering what changes various churches have actually made since attending the Living the Hope workshops.  Can you share?   Our church's team is meeting again tomorrow to consolidate our thoughts about how to move forward. 

MWS's picture



Feedback from Living the Hope

For those folks who have attended the Living the Hope workshop could you please provide me with any insights and feedback about this event?  A few people at my church attended the Living the Welcome workshop last year.  It was brought up again that we should attend an upcoming the Living the Hope workshop.  My concern at my church is that it will not be time well-spent based on our past experiences and that has to do with my church, not the program itself as there was little interest from the congregation and no buy in from the board or our minister.
