somegalfromcan's picture



Happy (belated) Birthday Mendalla!

I just Mendalla's post in the "May the fourth be with you thread" where he stated that yesterday was his birthday.


I hope it was a grand day!


Enjoy your slice of this birthday cake:


Mendalla's picture



Bye, for now, to "God"

I'm currently drafting my creed as a personal exercise in response to some reading and contemplation that I've done over the summer (and am itching to take the more formal route of completing the UU Building Your Own Theology course). And I'm finding that the word "God" isn't appearing in it. Nor is it likely to. And that doesn't bother me in the least. It's not that I'm becoming an atheist. As I read through the statements I'm making in it (I'll post it in a blog someday), there's more than a few that suggest a kind of pantheism or even panentheism.
