AaronMcGallegos's picture



Moderator Mardi Tindal's Open Letter: Where is the hope after Copenhagen?

The Moderator of The United Church of Canada, Mardi Tindal, is sharing an open letter to Canadians on the results of the Copenhagen climate change talks and the hope for the future. We invite you to take a look at it and join the conversation. -- Aaron (Admin2)

Mardi Tindal's picture

Mardi Tindal


COP15 Day 2: Ocean of hope

I invited my friend Alanna Mitchell to speak at a “brown bag lunch” in the General Council Office yesterday, and was amazed yet again at her mixture of scientific understanding, extraordinary talent as a communicator, and deep hope.

Mardi Tindal's picture

Mardi Tindal


Moderator Mardi Tindal's blog: So what to do?

This morning I spoke with both my 91-year-old Father-in-Law and my Mom, who’s of the same generation (haven’t asked permission to publish her age!). Both had great questions and suggestions about the UN Climate Change talks.
