Holy Trinity United Church, 40 Hillside Dr N, Elliot Lake, Ontario

Welcome to Holy Trinity United Church

Our congregation includes people from diverse backgrounds, denominations and faith traditions. We warmly welcome all to our common life of worship and service. This site is not meant to draw active participants from other church denominations or religious groups. It is simply offering those who do not have any affiliation an invitation to join an exciting and dynamic Christian community. At the heart of our activities is the worshipping congregation celebrating the inclusive love of God, made known through Jesus Christ. That love makes a difference in our lives and challenges us to make a difference in the world. Through prayer and music, friendship and service, laughing and learning, we seek to know God is in our midst and make God known to others.

Supporting families has always been a focus of ministry at Holy Trinity. Our worship service each Sunday starts at 10:30.

The congregation offers many programs to address the needs and interests of its participants. As well, a number of community-based groups are hosted in the church facility. Activities include a number of musical choirs and groups, a Bible Study group, women's groups, support groups and social gatherings. New participants are always welcome.

In a time when busy lives often leave people feeling stressed and overwhelmed, the faith community is a haven where people are encouraged to meet God.

Welcome to Holy Trinity United Church

Our congregation includes people from diverse backgrounds, denominations and faith traditions. We warmly welcome all to our common life of worship and service. This site is not meant to draw active participants from other church denominations or religious groups. It is simply offering those who do not have any affiliation an invitation to join an exciting and dynamic Christian community. At the heart of our activities is the worshipping congregation celebrating the inclusive love of God, made known through Jesus Christ. That love makes a difference in our lives and challenges us to make a difference in the world. Through prayer and music, friendship and service, laughing and learning, we seek to know God is in our midst and make God known to others.

Supporting families has always been a focus of ministry at Holy Trinity. Our worship service each Sunday starts at 10:30.

The congregation offers many programs to address the needs and interests of its participants. As well, a number of community-based groups are hosted in the church facility. Activities include a number of musical choirs and groups, a Bible Study group, women's groups, support groups and social gatherings. New participants are always welcome.

In a time when busy lives often leave people feeling stressed and overwhelmed, the faith community is a haven where people are encouraged to meet God.

Sachyriel's picture



Fire and Ice

Taking a cue from old Norse myths, if the universe is kind of divided on the lines of Fire and Ice (though not exactly as we know them, just the characteristics of them as we ascribe them to Fire and Ice), then what side do you belong to?

I don't want a 'Flame War' or anyone else giving each other the 'Cold shoulder' becuase of this thread, I'm just wondering how you'd put your religious beliefs into perspective.

Fire is ever-changing, but passionate, Ice is stead-fast but inflexible; these kind of characteristics.
