EZ Answer Squirrel

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dougdjcs's picture



God is against gay marriage because in Genesis God says a man will come of age, will leave his parents and find a wife and have children. God is strongly against gay marriage. If you do not believe me read Genesis chapters 1-5. I, Doug strongly am against gay marriage, because God's Holy Word does not allow it. I would like feedback. God bless you all.

CassieS's picture



Love the squirrel!! Such easy answers to what are perceived as such complex problems. I guess sometimes we need to just lighten up a little and realize that God knows what he's doing. Loved the..."does God hate me because I'm gay?" No!...and the funny ones too.
Peace out squirrel buddy

CarrieRules_123's picture



well doug thats your opinion

but just think the bible was written so many years ago and a lot of things have changed since then!

what do you do when you meet a gay person? if there was a really nice gay person with the same interests as you would you befriend them?

just curious!

CarrieRules_123's picture



if god told you to jump off a bridge would you do it?

Photo_guy's picture



I'm not sure that the EZ Answer squirrel's answer about God not hating people because they are gay has much to do with the gay marriage issue. Two separate discussions and the squirrel handles it well I think. Let's start another topic if you want to discuss the marriage of gays. I'm going to side with the squirrel on this one and a big thumbs up to the wondercafe for sticking their neck out on the issue! That's what you need to do if you want to attract 30 year olds to the church.

Allyoop's picture



I don't know about u guys but if God told me to jump off a bridge I would do it. I don't think he would, but I trust him. God can take you amazing places. I mean after all Moses probably thought God was crazy when he told him his plans for him. The same goes with Elijah and Mary and numerous others. God wants us to desire nothing from this world because it won't last forever. If God told you to die on a cross would you do it?
I'm sorry that was totally off the topic of homosexuality but it just had to be said

angelwings's picture



Doug doesnt know any gay ppl if he did he would know they want the same thing us "straight" people do, to be loved and to have someone love them. Get with the times and times are a changing.

bigmike's picture



Feed the squirrel.........

bigmike's picture



Feed the hungry ........

bigmike's picture



Feed the nuts ............

bigmike's picture



Feed the ________ to the _________ who are __________.

Order is everything.

The answer squirrel should order up some new dialogue or risk being the answer to the first blank.

bigmike's picture



I waited...

Feed the SQIRREL to the NUTS who are HUNGRY.


Feed the SQUIRREL to the HUNGRY who are NUTS.

Either way the SQUIRREL's new name is DINNER.

Life is good without repetition and neglect. (I think it's part of the new creed.)

SingingGumby's picture



It made me giggle!

Proves that not all answers to life's big questions are cut and dry!

jodihoar's picture



this is hysterical... what a great ad- where can I get a t-shirt?

JayCat's picture



bhahahahahahahahaha! That is the best ad I've seen in a while! Love the music, where can I get it?

james's picture




james's picture




james's picture




sighsnootles's picture



i love that little guy...

aotn's picture




cjms's picture



the music's got to go!!!! IMHO

RevMatt's picture



ROFL! I love the so-incredibly-bad-it-must-be-intentional music :) Funny ad.

sighsnootles's picture



i'm with matt... that music makes the ad!!!

abpenny's picture



Absolutely...reminds me of Mr. Rogers...hahaha

MonAsksIt's picture



What do you think of this new ad??? Do you think it reflects our community accurately? My teen and I were glad we didn't learn in the gorilla cage!

arachne's picture



No Gorillas in the Vancouver zoo. We raised a few guinea pigs, learned a little mendelian genetics, and Mum bought a whole shelf of books that ensured we would not ask inconvenient questions.

Deb_D's picture

Deb_D (not verified)


Hi, I like the webisode .... thought provoking!


Good questions and comments in the webisode for the times we live in in combination with the country one lives in. For example, where it is a "mosiac melting pot" ie Canada or the USA, i.e. with its multinations within its borders many beliefs or religions are a reality.

Where is God is all of this --- in our lives, among us, with us and through us, in all countries, nations of the world. Should one give up their ie "traditions" of celebration that differs from another who believes in the same God or for that matter the same Christ for some Christians do not celebrate Christmas.

Should we let all religions have their festivals, rituals, traditions brought out and made secular? For, the similiarities of people seem to grow further apart when traditions of different cultures come together to live in the same country over time. When traditions, and/if of a culture are important, they will be kept, practised, when relocatation occurs in movement to another country. So, is it a matter of respect but not also, a matter of "tolerance". It seems the definition of tolerance had to be stretched as immigration and more different cultures entered ie Canada, the USA, "mosiac" nations - a blend of cultures/customes/traditions. I think due to greater differences among peoples and thinking of the i.e. "Canadian" constitution, the "freedom of rights", would not the government have a role in the decision making of taking i.e. 'Christ out of Christmas'. I would say yes for it has taken slowly God out of the picture or the lives of the nations.

It seems in Canada, tolerance in regards to religion(s) of the nation has widened and is visible in our Public Schools. I see often on bullentin boards viewed by people who drive by, announcements of a Muslim, Hindu or Judiasm etc .... a festival or holiday. This is respect showing in considering others in their ways. I believe it is a matter of time and if there is no intervention by ie Christians to fight, yes, Christ will be taken out of Christmas. To me it is not so much a matter of respect that will dictate the taking out of Christ out of Christmas but man's persceptive in the decision or a worldly view. These are


orangina's picture



"I see often on bullentin boards viewed by people who drive by, announcements of a Muslim, Hindu or Judiasm etc .... a festival or holiday."

Speaking of which, Happy Hanukkah :) Today is the first day.

urkie2's picture



I am fed up with, and tired of "politically correct" Who coined that obnoxious phrase? When Canada was colonized, it became a Christian country and its laws, social mores and traditions were based on the judeo-christian beliefs and practices. In the Christian way we made all welcome to our country with freedom to follow their beliefs, but we did ot give up the vested right of our practices. I have no trouble with a polite reply to shalom, salaam, or greeting of any person and can readily show an interest in their customs. But, this is still our Christian society and we celebrate Easter in its time and Christmas on the 25th December.
I do not think it is politically correct to deny my fellow Christians the greeting that we give at Christmas because it might offen a newcomer to my country. They are welcome in my country to make it their country, and I will answer their greeting accordingly, but We celebrate Christmas, the birth of Christ with the greeting, "Merry Christmas" not (seasons greetings or happyholiday). By the way, Happy Hanukkah to all our Jewish friends and neighbours. Let us not be "politically correct" we can call it as it is- "Merry Christmas to all"

mitton's picture



The discussion about the political-correctedness of saying "Merry Christmas" has been going far further than it should have gone. I think that it is important for Christians to be aware of and accept the fact that not everyone they meet is going to be a Christian. However, thos only ones making the great fuss about the use of the word "Christmas" are the "Christians" themselves. I wonder if some of this is to try to make excuses for poor acts of devotion to Christ? The evanganical churches expect attendance at service, expect certain behavious and receive these. Sometimes we may be guilty of not expecting enough of ourselves as Christians.
