EZ Answer Squirrel

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Deb_D's picture

Deb_D (not verified)


Thanks EZ, not what I expected to hear in the conversation on the webisode with the title, "homeless" however, reality is not all will react the same to the subject. So it is expectable conversation.

The conversation discussed around the table in the Homeless webisode portrays to me how some in society will not take the issue of homeless people to concern. It is not on their agenda in life. I think the webisode reflects a certain population of people bye the one character in number 3. His attitud. A few common attitudes of society was shown through the conversation on what society thinks of the homeless situation.

For those who see it as a social justice issue will place it of high priority. Reality is, not all will aboard the ship to do something about the situation is the picture I get from this webisode which is true. However, it is an issue not to be dismissed and will not be.

Some thoughts to share on number 3.


bialioba's picture



I'd like to start off by saying this...  Love the squirrel!  Rodents know more than you think...

When it comes to gay marriage, I say, go for it!  For those who disagree so much that they point fingers and quote the bible, maybe you should concern yourself with things that actually concern you.  Chances are, you are not gay and you are not surrounded by people who are.

The men (mortal men) who chose the texts published in the bible do mention something about a man being with a woman but it also says something about loving your neighbour...

I guess it's important to put aside personal sexual preferences and look at the actual issue.  People are being discriminated against here. 


Aquarius's picture



Love the squirrel!!

jgerrie's picture



Love the squirrel.  I especially like the message about God's acceptance of homosexuals.  God bless the squirrel.

Warped_Purity's picture



This has to be one of the best ads I've ever seen :D

jocelyn rox's picture

jocelyn rox


 how do you ask the ez answer squarrel a ? 

Monty Newhook's picture

Monty Newhook


Canadians kill themselves being "nice guys . . . gals".  One can be respectful of other religions, and still say "Merry Christmas" etc.  Our old greetings, symbols, etc., are okay, and there is no need to banish the term "Christmas" in supposed respect of others.  Let Christmas trees, Christmas greeting, etc., etc., continue on as before.  Banishing them from our holy season is childish, insecure, and actually an insult to other religions, saying in effect that they are too narrow, too insecure, too unsure of their faith(s) to be able to survive the celebration of ours.  Respect is a two way street.


Monty Newhook's picture

Monty Newhook


Canadians kill themselves being "nice guys . . . gals".  One can be respectful of other religions, and still say "Merry Christmas" etc.  Our old greetings, symbols, etc., are okay, and there is no need to banish the term "Christmas" in supposed respect of others.  Let Christmas trees, Christmas greeting, etc., etc., continue on as before.  Banishing them from our holy season is childish, insecure, and actually an insult to other religions, saying in effect that they are too narrow, too insecure, too unsure of their faith(s) to be able to survive the celebration of ours.  Respect is a two way street.


SimonaDredd's picture



E-Z squirrel is so cute:)) It made my day:)
My latest blog: the necessity of longer school days

Hilary's picture



ready for the new squirrel!

Kayla Harshbarger's picture

Kayla Harshbarger


I love that very last question, and his reaction to the "Yes" answer! That squirell is like, I realize quote when I see one! Seriously though, hillarious!