jubiecan's picture



Calling all graphic artists - a chance to express your faith!

Are you an artist of faith?  I just found out about this company which just got started...they are a bit like Threadless in that people can submit their own designs and then the online community votes on which designs they like best. The winners can get paid and the company will print their designs on t-shirts and other things.  All the art must have a Christian or positive message. I already submitted my first graphic and people have started voting on it!

Pinga's picture



Passchandaele -- are you going to see it, have you seen it?

Last night, my oldest son & I went to see Passchandaele. 


I recommend it, though I will warn re sex, violence & language...the typical things.

I find it funny, we warn about  sex regardless of the type of sex, even though it is the most natural of our actions as humans, and something we hope our grown children find in a solid relationship
