Layton's picture



First United Church of Vancouver

The Firt United Church of Vancouver is under attack by civil authorities for its compassion and desire to live out the Gospel amongst some of the poorest and mot challenged of Canadian Society.  And the United Church of Canada is deafingly silent.  


femmemomma's picture



Fastathon for World Accord, May 27-29 2011 Great Youth Group camo!

 I have been going to this event since 1992, it's really great, it's relevant and there is little cost involved making it great for youth groups. Also, i appreciated it as the Director of Youth Ministry because unlike World vision, this is held at a campground so all you have to plan is transportation, plus there's buses.

MikePaterson's picture



About poverty — is it still an issue?

THE 18-24 October edition of New Scientist magazine is devoted to the theme: ‘The Folly of Growth’.

One of the articles points out that it takes around $166 worth of global growth to generate $1 extra for people living on below $1 a day. During the 1980s, every $100 added to the value of the global economy saw about $2.20 reach those living below the World Bank's absolute poverty line. During the 1990s, that shrank to 60 cents. This means that for the poor to get slightly less poor, the rich have to get very much richer.
