DKS's picture



McCain Family Give $1M to MCC Toronto

The McCain family (yes, THAT McCain family) have given $1M to the Metropolitan Community Church in Toronto to help retire their mortgage and to build a gay/lesbian refugee network. The pastor, Brent Hawkes, is a long-time friend of the McCains.

Pinga's picture



US election today

This thread is to talk about what we see in the news on election day.


I was in shock at two-hour lineups to vote.  Wow.  What is up with that?  I walked in, and there was one person in front of me.  I was in & out in about 10min, even with my frustration re passport not accepted


i was also surprised at the size of the package that they had to take into the booth.  (Obama had a file folder which included referendum information, etc.)  Is that normal?

crazyheart's picture



Last American Debate Tonight.

Are you going to watch it?.

Do you think McCain will use political dirtiness to bash Obama's person?

Will this round table be a better debate?


See you after the debate.



