Motheroffive's picture



Hello from Spokane, WA

Hello all:


For only the second time since I moved to a close-to-the-border community 9 years ago, I have left our fair land to visit the US. I received my passport on Monday and am now in Spokane, Washington for a couple of days. It's actually closer to where I live than the nearest Canadian city of an size. Been here about an hour and a half -- it looks beautiful and I'm looking forward to checking it out further. However, a visit to Chuck E. Cheese has been on the request list for about 3 years so that's one of our "must-dos".


Pinga's picture



US election today

This thread is to talk about what we see in the news on election day.


I was in shock at two-hour lineups to vote.  Wow.  What is up with that?  I walked in, and there was one person in front of me.  I was in & out in about 10min, even with my frustration re passport not accepted


i was also surprised at the size of the package that they had to take into the booth.  (Obama had a file folder which included referendum information, etc.)  Is that normal?
