Mardi Tindal's picture

Mardi Tindal


Moderator Mardi Tindal's blog: Bearing witness face to face

Bearing witness to truth is a first step toward healing and reconciliation. Facing one another as we speak truth holds the promise that we might truly listen to the depth of our own truth and the depth of others’ truth, that we might hear the cry of our own souls and the cry of others’ souls.

Mardi Tindal's picture

Mardi Tindal


Moderator Mardi Tindal's blog: Speaking to the TRC and survivors

As mentioned in my earlier blog, yesterday I was given the honour of speaking on behalf of The United Church of Canada at the Opening Session of the first national gathering of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, along with TRC Commissioners and other leaders (Aboriginal, government, and church leaders). I began by making clear that I spoke not only for our church as Moderator but also for myself.

Mardi Tindal's picture

Mardi Tindal


Moderator Mardi Tindal's blog: Truth and reconciliation begins with prayer

Day one of this first national gathering of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission began at 5:19 a.m. yesterday with the lighting of the Sacred Fire at sunrise here at The Forks in Winnipeg.

Pinga's picture



Recognition of First Nations Traditional Territory

When reviewing a proposal which is headed to General Council, it dawned on me.....I wonder how many people know what land they live on?


Most of the folks in my area, live on Mohawk or Six Nation land (at least, that is my understanding)


So, what land do you live on?

rishi's picture



Classy Issues in the Emerging Church

One of the most attractive things about the character of Jesus for me was his ability to move through social boundaries like class. That to me is a good sign of a love that is not ordinary and a faith that is not conventional. 

