graeme's picture



not a topic so much as an exclamation....

Somewhere on this site, I saw a post about two United Churches joining to hold future services in a movie theatre. To my amazement, I have just heard on radio that it is happening right here in Moncton. Sounds like a story to be followed. (I presume that this is a pioneer effort in Canada; and I'm not confusing two, new churches.)

Pinga's picture



Progressive Lens - tidbit

Hi folks


I moved to progressive lens approx a year ago for distance (driving) and stuff around the house.


I thought people might wish to share their findings.

Pinga's picture



Feeling really blessed

I'm feeling really super lucky tonight...some would say blessed.


Our congregation is rebuilding...from a time of deep dark interim.. it was needed..but wow, it got us into a place.


Anyhow, just had a CD meeting tonight.. CD = Christian development, which covers church school, vacation bible school, adult programming, youth groups, and resource materials


rishi's picture



Classy Issues in the Emerging Church

One of the most attractive things about the character of Jesus for me was his ability to move through social boundaries like class. That to me is a good sign of a love that is not ordinary and a faith that is not conventional. 


Pinga's picture



Called to Be Church: Living God's mission

First question (well, set of questions), I wonder if folks would like to dialogue on from "Called to Be Church"


How do we name our vision of living God’s mission as The United Church of Canada steps into the future?


What is core and essential, what touches the "heart" of the United Church?
