Pinga's picture



Feeling really blessed

I'm feeling really super lucky tonight...some would say blessed.


Our congregation is rebuilding...from a time of deep dark interim.. it was needed..but wow, it got us into a place.


Anyhow, just had a CD meeting tonight.. CD = Christian development, which covers church school, vacation bible school, adult programming, youth groups, and resource materials


WaterBuoy's picture



The Imaginary Negative One, isa Terror to the Pyred!

Do you fear entering the realm of the mind, that dark shadowy feature that follows you everywhere in one form or another? Perhaps we could all gain with some higher communication. It is limited in the present dimension ... isolated hermits that we are through terrorism. It seems we can't get over it although the book of chaos (babbling) tells us some 366 times "not to fear" yet authorities beat us over the head with it. True grit ... grind on!
