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Who is an Adherent?

This question came up at our church council meeting tonight: "what is the definition of an adherent?"


second Class Membership

I no longer feel comfortable in an organization that treat adherents as second class citizens. Rules in the United Church of Canada and its various levels of control deem that adherents are not to be trusted and must seek special dispensation to speak or vote at congregational meetings including the choice of who our leaders shall be.

Any other organization welcomes me as a full member when I have signed up, paid my dues and possibly work for the group.  The United Church requires me to publically proclaim vows that I accept all their teachings even when it makes me a hypocrite to my own conscience.

Many congregations now have more adherents than full members, but the old guard still retains the only voting rights. Surely, anyone who makes the effort to attend a congregational meeting must be allowed to speak and to vote.  I have worked and supported my local congregation for many years but now, as we choose a new minister, I am not allowed a choice. Either I go along with the old guard or I go to another denomination.

It is time that democracy be recognized in the United Church. Local congregations cannot be controlled by a distant Presbytry or from National Office.


I no longer feel comfortable in an organization that treat adherents as second class citizens. Rules in the United Church of Canada and its various levels of control deem that adherents are not to be trusted and must seek special dispensation to speak or vote at congregational meetings including the choice of who our leaders shall be.

Any other organization welcomes me as a full member when I have signed up, paid my dues and possibly work for the group.  The United Church requires me to publically proclaim vows that I accept all their teachings even when it makes me a hypocrite to my own conscience.

Many congregations now have more adherents than full members, but the old guard still retains the only voting rights. Surely, anyone who makes the effort to attend a congregational meeting must be allowed to speak and to vote.  I have worked and supported my local congregation for many years but now, as we choose a new minister, I am not allowed a choice. Either I go along with the old guard or I go to another denomination.

It is time that democracy be recognized in the United Church. Local congregations cannot be controlled by a distant Presbytry or from National Office.

