chemgal's picture




I know there's been a few foster parents on WC.  It's something I may consider doing eventually.


I'm curious to hear more and how much control there is with respect to choosing the child(ren) you foster.

DKS's picture



United Church to Strike Task Force on Forced Adoptions


The United Church of Canada is poised to strike a special task force dedicated to uncovering historic forced adoption practices, just as a national group prepares for an unprecedented conference next week that it hopes will catapult the topic squarely on to the public agenda and pressure the federal government to call an inquiry.

Motheroffive's picture



The Dark Side of International Adoption

There is a lot of discussion on this board about adoption as a solution to helping children, both at home and abroad. While I believe that this is offered by most as a genuine attempt to help children, I know that recent events in Haiti have begun to reveal the darker side to international adoption.


crazyheart's picture



Should Ann Coulter Be duct taped?

If you  didn't see Larry King tonight  here are a couple of Ann Coulter's comments.


Conservative Women have more orgasms than Liberal women because they take sex more seriously and don't hop in and out of bed with every Tom, Dick and Harry. ( meaning that Liberal women do)



Single mothers should either marry the father or give their child up for adoption.

