LBmuskoka's picture



Maybe Size Does Matter

This past Sunday I went to a small local church.  It is only open - somehow that doesn't feel like the right word but it is early and I have only had one cup of coffee - during the summer months.  Long ago it was the existing community's "church" but with the advent of the car these small churches fell out of favour for churches in the larger surrounding towns.

Alex's picture



My local Church is Sponoring a Refugee Family

Our church is sponsoring a refuggee family from the Sydan. The have spent many years as refuggees in Egypt, while waiting for someone from Canada or elxeshwere to sponsor them.


Have any other congregations done something like this. What have you learned from the experience> What has the challenges been.


They arrived two week ago in Canada, and last Saturady we held a church potlock, where we raised over a thousand dollars to help them out.

