crazyheart's picture



Creator God - Does a creator control?

create: cause to be, originate,produce, invent

creation: the act of creating, anything created

creator: a person who creates, The Creator - God.

creature: anything created, a person who is completely under the influence of another ( Dictionary of Canadian English)


So, does a Creator Control?


Two people create a third but as that child grows even though the two people can show, teach, and offer suggestions, the third person is not under their control.


Ergo Ratio's picture

Ergo Ratio



Hello everyone. Not that it isn't obvious to any active members, but I'm new here. I'm not much for introductions, though; I'd rather you learn about me from my content, rather than from what I say about myself. Previous sentence included.

I've read several threads and tried to get a feel for the personalities here (to see how relevant my question will be), but it's difficult for someone who likes to just dive right in. Also, I did do a brief search for similiar topics, but I didn't see anything within the past week, so here I go.

Here is my question:
