Mardi Tindal's picture

Mardi Tindal


Moderator Mardi Tindal's blog: Home from Haiti

This afternoon I arrived in Toronto following a five-day visit to our church partners in Haiti. What I witnessed there is beyond anything I could have imaginedunbelievable destruction and suffering on the one hand, and amazing hope and faith-filled action on the other.

This is the first of several reports we will make about our visit. (More in a moment about who travelled with me.) You can see my video message from Haiti on YouTube.

crazyheart's picture



Noah's Flood

Because Serena does not want me posting on her threads and because I have a question, I will post a new thread.

The Haiti earthquake was real. The Tsusnami was real. We all saw it. Was  Noah's flood real or is it another Old Testiment story to relate a truth?

Mardi Tindal's picture

Mardi Tindal


Moderator Mardi Tindal's blog: Haiti and God's year to act

France, Claire, and Isabella lost a father, father-in-law, and grandfather in the Haiti earthquake. France’s mother and sister remain in Haiti, waiting for necessary heart medication and more. This family, like many others, hopes that the government of Canada will do for Haitians what Canada has done for others before, temporarily loosening immigration practices to make it possible for families to be reunited.

troyerboy's picture



Pictures from Haiti

I posted these links under the "Haiti and Satan" topic, but I thought this was too important to get lost. The following links are the newest pictures from Haiti. One caution is that these pictures are not sanitized, but show the real thing. Some are very graphic, but it is what you would see if you were there

Mardi Tindal's picture

Mardi Tindal


Moderator Mardi Tindal's blog: Where is God in this crisis?


As we witness unimaginable pain and suffering in Haiti, we join with others crying this question and, through our tears, we hear an answer. God is in the most painful moments, the most painful places, weeping with every child, with every mother and father, with every person suffering through this tragedy.
