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Ask the Nominees: Week 2

Ask the Nominees: Week 2 - Q. "What person in your life has inspired you in your faith?" 


Take a look at what the United Church nominees for Moderator have to say! What would be your answer to this week's question?

UCC-GCO's picture



Ask the Nominees for Moderator: Week 1

Interested in finding out more about the nominees for Moderator of The United Church of Canada? Each week leading up to General Council in August we are asking the nominees one question to help everyone get to know them a little better.


This week's question: "Last week we celebrated the 87th anniversary of The United Church of Canada. What would you put in a time capsule to be opened by the church in another 87 years?"


WonderCafe's picture



Proposed Changes to the United Church Crest

Most Conferences have held their AGMs where the proposed new United Church crest was presented, so we thought we would present it here too in case there are folks who haven't seen it. (The proposed new crest was also featured in The Observer already.)



DKS's picture



Draft Statement on Ministry

Found this on the RSS feed for the United Church web site this morning. Shall we have a discussion?


