Elanorgold's picture



Native-White Relations

I went to a Native heritage art show opening this evening, with lots of antique artifacts, old photographs, carvings, baskets, moccasins etc, and there was an official welcome speech and some songs and dances, while the white folk, about 80 of us, watched in reverence.


Then we had a stand up smorgasbord style dinner with bannock, barbequed salmon, dried salmon, dried raw smoked deer and white man deli trays. It seemed 50:50 white and native at one point. I have never been to an event with such near proportions.


Freundly-Giant's picture



Should old treaties still apply?

In present day society, should we still let old treaties apply to Native Canadians? A promise was made, but with the present condition many Native Canadians appear to be in, should they still be granted differant rights and responcibilities?
