somegirl's picture



Learning something new

I've been taking a drawing class for about 5 weeks now.  Although I do find it hard to make time to actually practice, I'm really, really enjoying it.  This is something that I've wanted to do since I was very yount.  There were no art classes at all through my schooling.  We learned a bit about drawing faces last week and I find I look at people differently now.  Today I spent some of the time waiting for my computer to finish thinking at work sketching my son's eyes from the photos I have on my desk and I found it very calming and relaxing.


somegirl's picture



Casual games

Okay, I can't possibly be the only one addicted to casual games.  Well, not addicted exactly, but whenever I have a little chunk of time to fill I find myself playing Chuzzle or Bejeweled or something on Webkins.


Am I the only one?


In fact I have a game of Chuzzle going on the other tab.  I should really be putting away the laundry, but exploding little pom poms is so much more fun.
