CanadianStorm's picture



What is the point of Genesis 22:1-18

As I stand at the Crossroad in my life with the choice to go the Christian path or to continue on my path to Enlightenment, I stand confused, pondering, because I want, with all my heart, to bring Jesus back into my life. But I have questions, one in which is, what is the point of Genesis 22:1-18? Being a father myself to one child not unlike Abraham, I have to state that if God advised me of the same as he did with Abraham I would blatantly say NO!!! Then I guess after taking cover I would try and have a conversation with God asking him why? Do you not see my loyalty to you?

Alex's picture



Kings the story of King David, in the age of the internet.

Anyone watching the new series call ed KIngs. It's a modern day take on the bibilical story of David. Very racy, unlikely to please fundies. Here are quotes from
