crazyheart's picture



Search, Searchers, Searching

I know that there are many searchers in WonderCafe.Welcome to you all.


I was given 2 boxes of contemporary cards ( most beautiful) and on all of them, there was a short phrase from the scriptures - mostly Psalms ( Make a Joyful Noise, etc). My daughter said that she bought them for me but didn't know if they were okay because she doesn't know about religion.


Religion is something that she connects with me writing sermons as I read the bible and search resources, prayers and hymns.


don_t fit the mold's picture

don_t fit the mold


OK... where do I start!?

I have now found a congregation that welcomes a brains on approach to the bible, that is more open to diversity and focuses on love and acceptance rather than guilt, judging, and shame.  My dileman here is that after 3 yrs of attending I still haven't managed to seamlessly integrate the group.

wrdwryter's picture





There, when the helpless fear

claws icily at your heart]

There, when ignorance and intolerance

turn stone faced to your pain.

There, in your small daughter's wisdom

and your son's gentle smil

There, in the faces of friends

your unbidden tears, warmth of a hug

There, in the love you give

and receive

There, in the small voice whispering

you must, you can, go on

There, in the delicate veins of a leaf

moon bright in the cloud edged darkness

There, in words
