rishi's picture



Seeing Christ in Others

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I have always been attracted to the phrase/practice "seeing Christ in others," as being somehow key to Christian life.  What it actually means, though, has always eluded me. It's practical meaning often seems to get reduced to a superficial "be nice to everyone."


Warriorcleric's picture



Christmas is Boring

 As we head into this advent season I wanted to reflect on Christmas and what it means to me.  And then I realised that it means nothing to me.  At least this year.  I'm bored.  I'd rather just head out to the lake with Peter and James and go fishing.  Jesus can come too.  I hear he's pretty good luck on the water.  If I found myself at the manger (of Christ, Orsiris, or Horus depending on your myth) I'd probably be too busy playing with the animals to care what's going on.

evensong's picture



Is Jesus God or Not?

As I was reading Fakirs Canada's blog and the ensuing thread, I kept remembering my own experience.  As a very young child in an evangelical fundamental dispensational church in southern California, down in the land of Tim Lahay and Hal Lindsey and at a time when they were just bursting on to the scene, I soaked in the Sunday School facts I was fed weekly, that Jesus was God's son, an equal part of the Triune deity called the godhead.  I assumed they were right, after all they were the grown ups, right?
