Alex's picture



Cindy, an encounter with the Christian God?



This is one of my favorite video. I look at it when I need inspiration and reinforcement im my belief that God exists. In this video God is called Cindy. It shows to me that people are important and can make a difference.

MikePaterson's picture



Life's tough

Faerenach's picture



Small Homes, Big Hearts

I was blown away by this article.  In short, four students at the Emily Carr Institute for Art & Design in Vancouver designed low-cost housing for the homeless.  They cost under $1500 each, and were made to be used anywhere in the province.


I encourage you to read the rest of the article, it will make your heart grow two sizes bigger and fill your spirit with hope.


Alex's picture



Economics Kills People Not HIV

I was infected at 19 and became one of the first persons in the world to receive the new combination therapies (at 34) that proved to be so successful. My viral load has been undetectable for 10...I was infected at 19 and became one of the first persons in the world to receive the new combination therapies (at 34) that proved to be so successful. My viral load has been undetectable for 10 years now, and my health is better than it's been for 20 years. Why do I live while others die? The answer is simply because I get the care I need and needed to survive.
