crazyheart's picture




I caught this on a post by Graeme on another thread. What do you think patriotism is? Is It something that can be taught? If not, how do we get it?

Jim Kenney's picture

Jim Kenney


The School System

On another discussion thread, the conversation drifted to issues around schools: from fads that assist ambitious ladder climbers through communication between teachers and students to the barriers to schools developing truly educated students.  Here is an invitation to offer what you think is good about our schools, what isn't, and what idealistically or realistically can be done to improve schools.


WaterBuoy's picture



Troublesome Job: all while learning of all the past!

Would this be like an infinite CIA? God-like Phantom ... Shadow!

We couldn't have that in church, could we?

franota's picture



The power of words

This week, in the online clergy discussions in which I participate, we have been going back and forth about the use of words in sermon illustrations. It began when one pastor noted he had used the word "nigger" when telling a story *about* someone who had said it. *He himself* was not using the word, but was illustrating how racism continues, and wanted his congregation to sit up and take note.
