redbaron338's picture



What Would Such a Thing Be Like?

Must be a slow day today.


I just read an article about the Republican Party of Texas setting their platform for the 2012 campaign.  One of the planks was about opposing the teaching of 'higher thinking' skills in high school, lest it interfere with what the article called 'fixed beliefs' of students. 


WaterBuoy's picture




Is God just a loose  word that get a previously numbed space moving ... like stirring the pool?


Did yah ever try to stir a boiling crucible? IT's redundant action like Macbeth's third witch stated: "ladies you don't have to stir that someone will section it of and it'll boil all by itself; get your thoughts together."


Panentheism's picture




January 25, 2009
Third Sunday after the Epiphany
Jonah 3;1-10
Mark 1:14-20                              Decisions

WaterBuoy's picture



To Lose the Soul!



Some say that the soul is indeterminate ... nothing or infinite; alpha and omega all in one? Is it in habeas corpus, or outside that realm san, or pas in old tongues?

Old Greek called the English spin on soul Psyche, others call it mind a place of shimmer. Ever see a PET Scan display of the energy moving on the surface of the funny organ we call brain and the Eire may call the Isle of Bran? Just cede of what is to come! It is an odd journey into this embryonic entity.
